Key term: job control

Original article 2024;50(6):416-425   pdf full text
Does job control contribute to differences in physician-certified sickness absence across office concepts? A mediation analysis in a nationally representative sample
Borge RH, Johannessen HA, Fostervold KI, Nielsen MB
Original article 2024;50(4):300-309   pdf full text
The role of working conditions in educational differences in all-cause and ischemic heart disease mortality among Swedish men
Almroth M, Hemmingsson T, Falkstedt D, Kjellberg K, Carlsson E, Pan K-Y, Berglund K, Thern E
Original article 2023;49(7):496-505   pdf full text
Trajectories of psychosocial working conditions and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a Swedish register-based cohort study
Pan K-Y, Almroth M, Nevriana A, Hemmingsson T, Kjellberg K, Falkstedt D
Original article 2022;48(6):435-445   pdf full text
Psychosocial job stressors and risk of suicidal behavior – an observational study among Swedish men
Åberg M, Staats E, Robertson J, Schiöler L, Torén K, LaMontagne AD, Söderberg M, Waern M, Nyberg J
Review 2021;47(4):249-257   pdf full text
Is job strain associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus? A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
Li W, Yi G, Chen Z, Dai X, Wu J, Peng Y, Ruan W, Lu Z, Wang D
Original article 2020;46(6):589-598   pdf full text
Psychosocial job strain and polypharmacy: a national cohort study
Tan ECK, Pan K-Y, Magnusson Hanson LL, Fastbom J, Westerlund H, Wang H-X
Original article 2020;46(5):498-507   pdf full text
Persistent and changing job strain and risk of coronary heart disease. A population-based cohort study of 1.6 million employees in Denmark
Rugulies R, Framke E, Sørensen JK, Svane-Petersen AC, Alexanderson K, Bonde JP, Farrants K, Flachs EM, Magnusson Hanson LL, Nyberg ST, Kivimäki M, Madsen IEH
Original article 2020;46(5):488-497   pdf full text
Psychosocial working characteristics before retirement and depressive symptoms across the retirement transition: a longitudinal latent class analysis
Åhlin JK, Peristera P, Westerlund H, Magnusson Hanson LL
Original article 2020;46(3):311-320   pdf full text
Is the association between poor job control and common mental disorder explained by general perceptions of control? Findings from an Australian longitudinal cohort
Too LS, Leach L, Butterworth P
Original article 2020;46(3):302-310   pdf full text
Do gender and psychosocial job stressors modify the relationship between disability and sickness absence: An investigation using 12 waves of a longitudinal cohort
Milner A, Aitken Z, Byars S, Butterworth P, Kavanagh A
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