CONTENTS — volume 9, no 5, 1983

Published: Oct 1983

Original article

Methods for detecting occupational causes of male infertility. Reproductive history versus semen analysis.
Some remarks on the operation of biases.
Pulmonary function and concentrations of alpha 1-antitrypsin and immunoglobulin E in workers exposed to pancreatic enzymes.
Effects of trace levels of nitrous oxide on psychomotor performance.
Elimination of chromium in urine after stainless steel welding.
Human response to controlled levels of toluene in six-hour exposures.
Tissue distribution of styrene, styrene glycol and more polar styrene metabolites in the mouse.
Neurophysiological effects of lead exposure.
Lung cancer, stomach cancer, and smoking status among coal miners. A preliminary test of a hypothesis.

Letter to the Editor

Cutting oils and bladder cancer.