Author: Kogevinas M

Review 2002;28(3):141-157   pdf
Health promotion trials at worksites and risk factors for cancer
Janer G, Sala M, Kogevinas M
Original article 2001;27(1):76-81   pdf
Asthma risk, cleaning activities and use of specific cleaning products among Spanish indoor cleaners
Zock J-P, Kogevinas M, Sunyer J, Almar E, Muniozguren N, Payo F, Sánchez JL, Antó JM
Original article 2000;26(6):476-481   pdf
Bladder cancer in the textile industry
Serra C, Bonfill X, Sunyer J, Urrutia G, Turuguet D, Bastús R, Roqué M, ’t Mannetje A, Kogevinas M, Working Group on the Study of Bladder Cancer in the County of Vallès Occidental
Editorial 1998;24(6):445-448   pdf
Pesticides and congenital malformations - how many studies will it take to reach a conclusion?
Kogevinas M, Sala M
Original article 1996;22(5):346-352   pdf
Occupation and the risk of lung cancer in Uruguay
De Stefani E, Kogevinas M, Boffetta P, Ronco A, Mendilaharsu M
Short communication 1996;22(3):223-226   pdf
Exposure to styrene and mortality from nonmalignant diseases of the genitourinary system
Welp E, Partanen T, Kogevinas M, Andersen A, Bellander T, Biocca M, Coggon D, Fontana V, Kolstad H, Lundberg I, Lynge E, Spence A, Ferro G, Boffetta P, Saracci R
Original article 1995;21(4):252-258   pdf
Cancer risk for European asphalt workers
Partanen TJ, Boffetta P, Heikkilä PR, Frentzel-Beyme RR, Heederik D, Hours M, Järvholm BG, Kauppinen TP, Kromhout H, Langård S, Svane OB, Bernstein M, Bertazzi PA, Kogevinas M, Neuberger MA, Pannett B, Sunyer J
Original article 1995;21(3):179-190   pdf
Pooled reanalysis of cancer mortality among five cohorts of workers in wood-related industries
Demers PA, Boffetta P, Kogevinas M, Blair A, Miller BA, Robinson CF, Roscoe RJ, Winter PD, Colin D, Matos E, Vainio H
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