Key term: teacher

Original article 2024;50(3):187-196   pdf full text
Effects of a participatory work stress prevention approach for employees in primary education: results of a quasi-experimental study
Bakhuys Roozeboom MC, Wiezer NM, Schelvis RMC, Niks IMW, Boot CRL
Case report 2016;42(1):80-85   pdf full text
Asbestos in toys: an exemplary case
Silvestri S, Di Benedetto F, Raffaelli C, Veraldi A
Original article 2015;41(6):565-568   pdf full text
Burnout does not help predict depression among French school teachers
Bianchi R, Schonfeld IS, Laurent E
Original article 2015;41(2):164-174   pdf full text
Log in and breathe out: internet-based recovery training for sleepless employees with work-related strain – results of a randomized controlled trial
Thiart H, Lehr D, Ebert DD, Berking M, Riper H
Original article 2014;40(6):582-596   pdf full text
Efficacy of an internet-based problem-solving training for teachers: results of a randomized controlled trial
Ebert DD, Lehr D, Boß L, Riper H, Cuijpers P, Andersson G, Thiart H, Heber E, Berking M
Original article 2012;38(3):209-217   pdf
Pupils with special educational needs in basic education schools and teachers’ sickness absences – a register-linkage study
Ervasti J, Kivimäki M, Kawachi I, Subramanian SV, Pentti J, Ahola K, Oksanen T, Pohjonen T, Vahtera J, Virtanen M
Article SJWEH Suppl 2008; (6):169-176   pdf
The occupational stress index—an approach derived from cognitive ergonomics applicable to clinical practice
Belkić K, Savić Č
Original article 2005;31(1):52-58   pdf
Nasal mucosal histamine reactivity among teachers six years after working in a moisture-damaged school
Rudblad S, Andersson K, Bodin L, Stridh G, Juto J-E
Review 1999;25(1):5-17   pdf
Lymphatic and hematopoietic cancer in teachers
Baker P, Inskip H, Coggon D