Key term: suicide

Review 2024;50(7):503-518   pdf full text
The association between long working hours, shift work, and suicidal ideation: A systematic review and meta-analyses
Kim J, Kwon R, Yun H, Lim G-Y, Woo K-S, Kim I
Original article 2024;50(6):447-455   pdf full text
Mortality of working-age physicians compared to other high-skilled occupations in Austria from 1998 to 2020
Zimmermann C, Waldhoer T, Schernhammer E, Strohmaier S
Original article 2024;50(3):218-227   pdf full text
Change in employment status and its causal effect on suicidal ideation and depressive symptoms: A marginal structural model with machine learning algorithms
Yoon J, Kim J-H, Chung Y, Park J, Leigh J-H, Kim S-S
Original article 2023;49(7):496-505   pdf full text
Trajectories of psychosocial working conditions and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a Swedish register-based cohort study
Pan K-Y, Almroth M, Nevriana A, Hemmingsson T, Kjellberg K, Falkstedt D
Review 2022;48(8):598-610   pdf full text
Suicide among transport industry workers: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Mathieu S, Ross V, Wardhani R, Brough P, Wishart D, Chan XW, Kõlves K
Editorial 2022;48(6):419-424   pdf full text
The role of work in suicidal behavior – uncovering priorities for research and prevention
Greiner BA, Arensman E
Original article 2022;48(6):435-445   pdf full text
Psychosocial job stressors and risk of suicidal behavior – an observational study among Swedish men
Åberg M, Staats E, Robertson J, Schiöler L, Torén K, LaMontagne AD, Söderberg M, Waern M, Nyberg J
Original article 2022;48(6):425-434   pdf full text
Workplace bullying and risk of suicide and suicide attempts: A register-based prospective cohort study of 98 330 participants in Denmark
Conway PM, Erlangsen A, Grynderup MB, Clausen T, Rugulies R, Bjorner JB, Burr H, Francioli L, Garde AH, Hansen ÅM, Hanson LM, Kirchheiner-Rasmussen J, Kristensen TS, Mikkelsen EG, Stenager E, Thorsen SV, Villadsen E, Høgh A
Original article 2022;48(4):293-301   pdf full text
Perceived job insecurity and risk of suicide and suicide attempts: a study of men and women in the Swedish working population
Blomqvist S, Virtanen M, LaMontagne AD, Magnusson Hanson LL
Original article 2021;47(7):509-520   pdf full text
Low-quality employment trajectories and risk of common mental disorders, substance use disorders and suicide attempt: a longitudinal study of the Swedish workforce
Jonsson J, Muntaner C, Bodin T, Alderling M, Balogh R, Burström B, Davis L, Gunn V, Hemmingsson T, Julià M, Kjellberg K, Kreshpaj B, Orellana C, Padrosa E, Wegman DH, Matilla-Santander N
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