Key term: workload

Original article 2023;49(1):43-52   pdf full text
Targeting workload to ameliorate risk of heat stress in industrial sugarcane workers
Lucas RAI, Skinner BD, Arias-Monge E, Jakobsson K, Wesseling C, Weiss I, Poveda S, Cerda-Granados FI, Glaser J, Hansson E, Wegman DH
Original article 2020;46(4):373-381   pdf full text
Physical workload, long-term sickness absence, and the role of social capital. Multi-level analysis of a large occupation cohort
Török E, Clark AJ, Ersbøll AK, Bjorner JB, Holtermann A, Rugulies R, LaMontagne AD, Milner A, Rod NH
Original article 2019;45(3):239-247   pdf full text
Mechanical and psychosocial work exposures: the construction and evaluation of a gender-specific job exposure matrix (JEM)
Hanvold TN, Sterud T, Kristensen P, Mehlum IS
Original article 2016;42(2):125-134   pdf full text
Social support modifies association between forward bending of the trunk and low-back pain: Cross-sectional field study of blue-collar workers
Villumsen M, Holtermann A, Samani A, Madeleine P, Jørgensen MB
Editorial 2013;39(4):321-323   pdf full text
Physical workload – a risk factor for miscarriage?
Lindbohm M-L
Original article 2013;39(5):468-476   pdf full text
Work-related psychosocial and mechanical risk factors for work disability: a 3-year follow-up study of the general working population in Norway
Sterud T
Original article 2013;39(4):390-400   pdf full text
The effect of work-related sustained trapezius muscle activity on the development of neck and shoulder pain among young adults
Hanvold TN, Wærsted M, Mengshoel AM, Bjertness E, Stigum H, Twisk J, Veiersted KB
Original article 2010;36(1):62-70   pdf
Occupational class differences in leisure-time physical inactivity – contribution of past and current physical workload and other working conditions
Mäkinen T, Kestilä L, Borodulin K, Martelin T, Rahkonen O, Leino-Arjas P, Prättälä R
Review 2010;36(1):3-24   pdf
Systematic evaluation of observational methods assessing biomechanical exposures at work
Takala E-P, Pehkonen I, Forsman M, Hansson G-Å, Mathiassen SE, Neumann WP, Sjøgaard G, Veiersted KB, Westgaard RH, Winkel J
Original article 2009;35(2):134-144   pdf
Interaction between postural risk factors and job strain on self-reported musculoskeletal symptoms among users of video display units: a three-year prospective study
Lapointe J, Dionne CE, Brisson C, Montreuil S
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