Original article2022;48(4):264-272
pdf full text Economic evaluation of return-to-work interventions for mental disorder-related sickness absence: two years follow-up of a randomized clinical trial
Original article2020;46(4):356-363
pdf full text Effectiveness of adding a workplace intervention to an inpatient multimodal occupational rehabilitation program: A randomized clinical trial
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pdf full text Effectiveness of a no-cost-to-workers, slip-resistant footwear program for reducing slipping-related injuries in food service workers: a cluster randomized trial
Discussion paper2015;41(5):491-503
pdf full text Evaluation of occupational health interventions using a randomized controlled trial: challenges and alternative research designs
Original article2013;39(5):456-467
pdf full text The effectiveness of a construction worksite prevention program on work ability, health, and sick leave: results from a cluster randomized controlled trial
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