Key term: exposure assessment

Original article 2024;50(8):653-664   pdf full text
Development and validation of a French job-exposure matrix for healthcare workers: JEM Soignances
Singier A, Fadel M, Gilbert F; Soignances group; Ester-MESuRS collaboration on occupational risks, Temime L, Zins M, Descatha A
Original article 2024;50(5):359-371   pdf full text
Occupational exposure to organic solvents and the risk of developing testicular germ cell tumors (TESTIS study): Effect of combined exposure assessment on risk estimation
Guth M, Pilorget C, Lefevre M, Coste A, Danjou A, Dananché B, Praud D, Pérol O, Daudin M, Clarotti M-A, Lattes S, Bouillon C, Paul A, Schüz J, Bujan L, Olsson A, Fervers B, Charbotel B; The TESTIS study group
Discussion paper 2024;50(2):53-60   pdf full text
Asbestos and disease – a public health success story?
Järvholm B, Burdorf A
Original article 2019;45(3):248-255   pdf full text
Historical changes in chemical exposures encountered by Danish firefighters
Pedersen JE, Petersen KU, Hansen J
Original article 2018;44(1):80-87   pdf full text
Personal light-at-night exposures and components of variability in two common shift work industries: uses and implications for future research
Hall AL, Davies HW, Koehoorn M
Original article 2017;43(5):494-503   pdf full text
Appraisal of levels and patterns of occupational exposure to 1,3-butadiene
Scarselli A, Corfiati M, Di Marzi D, Iavicoli S
Original article 2016;42(2):162-169   pdf full text
The 2-phase case–control design: an efficient way to use expert-time
Wild P, Schill W, Bourgkard E, Drescher K, Gonzalez M, Paris C
Amendments and corrections 2016;42(1):97-98   pdf full text
Re. Härmä M, Ropponen A, Hakola T, Koskinen A, Vanttola P, Puttonen S, Sallinen M, Salo P, Oksanen T, Pentti J, Vahtera J, Kivimäki M. Developing register-based measures for assessment of working time patterns for epidemiologic studies. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2015;41(3):268–279. doi: 10.5271/sjweh.3492
Härmä M, Ropponen A, Koskinen A, Vanttola P, Puttonen S, Sallinen M, Salo P, Oksanen T, Pentti J, Vahtera J, Kivimäki M
Original article 2015;41(3):268-279   pdf full text
Developing register-based measures for assessment of working time patterns for epidemiologic studies
Härmä M, Ropponen A, Hakola T, Koskinen A, Vanttola P, Puttonen S, Sallinen M, Salo P, Oksanen T, Pentti J, Vahtera J, Kivimäki M
Consensus report 2015;41(1):5-15   pdf full text
Asbestos, asbestosis, and cancer, the Helsinki criteria for diagnosis and attribution 2014: recommendations
Wolff H, reporter, Vehmas T, reporter, Oksa P, reporter, Rantanen J, reporter, Vainio H, reporter
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