Key term: job exposure matrix

Original article [online first; 16 December 2024]   pdf
Development of a gender-specific European job exposure matrix (EuroJEM) for physical workload and its validation against musculoskeletal pain
Solovieva S, Descatha A, Mehlum IS, Viikari-Juntura E, Undem K, Berglund K, Gilbert F, Wuytack F, d’Errico A, Badarin K, Evanoff B, Kjellberg K
Original article 2024;50(5):372-379   pdf full text
The asbestos–asbestosis exposure–response relationship: a cohort study of the general working population
Iversen IB, Vestergaard JM, Ohlander J, Peters S, Bendstrup E, Bonde JPE, Schlünssen V, Bønløkke JH, Rasmussen F, Stokholm ZA, Andersen MB, Kromhout H, Kolstad HA
Original article 2023;49(8):549-557   pdf full text
Development and evaluation of the gender-specific CONSTANCES job exposure matrix for physical risk factors in France
Wuytack F, Evanoff BA, Dale AM, Gilbert F, Fadel M, Leclerc A, Descatha A
Original article 2023;49(6):386-394   pdf full text
Occupational risks associated with severe COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 infection – a Swedish national case-control study conducted from October 2020 to December 2021
Torén K, Albin M, Bergström T, Murgia N, Alderling M, Schiöler L, Åberg M
Original article 2023;49(6):375-385   pdf full text
Associations between an international COVID-19 job exposure matrix and SARS-CoV-2 infection among 2 million workers in Denmark
van der Feltz S, Schlünssen V, Basinas I, Begtrup LM, Burdorf A, Bonde JPE, Flachs EM, Peters S, Pronk A, Stokholm ZA, van Tongeren M, van Veldhoven K, Oude Hengel KM, Kolstad HA
Original article 2023;49(4):259-270   pdf full text
The impact of occupational exposures on infection rates during the COVID-19 pandemic: a test-negative design study with register data of 207 034 Dutch workers
Eekhout I, van Tongeren M, Pearce N, Oude Hengel KM
Original article 2023;49(4):249-258   pdf full text
Psychosocial working conditions and sickness absence among younger employees in Denmark: a register-based cohort study using job exposure matrices
Sørensen JK, Pedersen J, Burr H, Holm A, Lallukka T, Lund T, Melchior M, Rod NH, Rugulies R, Sivertsen B, Stansfeld S, Christensen KB, Madsen IEH
Original article 2023;49(3):171-181   pdf full text
Exploring the relationship between job characteristics and infection: Application of a COVID-19 job exposure matrix to SARS-CoV-2 infection data in the United Kingdom
Rhodes S, Beale S, Wilkinson J, van Veldhoven K, Basinas I, Mueller W, Oude Hengel KM, Burdorf A, Peters S, Stokholm ZA, Schlünssen V, Kolstad H, Pronk A, Pearce N, Hayward A, van Tongeren M
Original article 2022;48(6):479-489   pdf full text
Time trends in occupational exposure to chemicals in Sweden: proportion exposed, distribution across demographic and labor market strata, and exposure levels
Gustavsson P, Wiebert P, Tinnerberg H, Bodin T, Linnersjö A, Hed Myrberg I, Albin M, Selander J
Original article 2022;48(6):435-445   pdf full text
Psychosocial job stressors and risk of suicidal behavior – an observational study among Swedish men
Åberg M, Staats E, Robertson J, Schiöler L, Torén K, LaMontagne AD, Söderberg M, Waern M, Nyberg J
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