Key term: musculoskeletal disorder

Original article 2009;35(2):113-126   pdf
Gender adjustment or stratification in discerning upper extremity musculoskeletal disorder risk?
Silverstein B, Fan ZJ, Smith CK, Bao S, Howard N, Spielholz P, Bonauto DK, Viikari-Juntura E
Review 2009;35(1):19-36   pdf
Associations between work-related factors and the carpal tunnel syndrome—a systematic review
van Rijn RM, Huisstede BMA, Koes BW, Burdorf A
Original article 2009;35(1):56-64   pdf
Musculoskeletal disorders among construction roofers—physical function and disability
Welch L, Haile E, Boden LI, Hunting KL
Editorial 2008;34(5):323-325   pdf
Psychosocial factors at work and musculoskeletal disorders
Kompier MAJ, van der Beek AJ
Original article 2008;34(5):374-380   pdf
Follow-up study of musculoskeletal disorders 20 months after the introduction of a mouse-based computer system
Arvidsson I, Axmon A, Skerfving S
Original article 2008;34(5):345-355   pdf
Can favorable psychosocial work conditions and high work dedication protect against the occurrence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders?
Joling CI, Blatter BM, Ybema JF, Bongers PM
Original article 2008;34(3):179-188   pdf
Health-related effects of worksite interventions involving physical exercise and reduced workhours
von Thiele Schwarz U, Lindfors P, Lundberg U
Original article 2008;34(2):120-132   pdf
Risk factors for generally reduced productivity—a prospective cohort study of young adults with neck or upper-extremity musculoskeletal symptoms
Boström M, Dellve L, Thomée S, Hagberg M
Article SJWEH Suppl 2007; (3):81-84   pdf
Holistic approaches to the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders among call-center workers
Caple DC
Original article 2007;33(6):440-446   pdf
Generalizability of a prediction rule for sick leave due to shoulder pain
Kuijpers T, Vergouwe Y, van der Heijden GJM, Bot SDM, Twisk JWR, van der Windt DAWM, Bouter LM
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