Key term: shift work

Review 2024;50(7):503-518   pdf full text
The association between long working hours, shift work, and suicidal ideation: A systematic review and meta-analyses
Kim J, Kwon R, Yun H, Lim G-Y, Woo K-S, Kim I
Original article 2024;50(6):475-484   pdf full text
The independent and interactive effects of changes in overtime and night shifts during the COVID-19 pandemic on burnout among nurses: a longitudinal study
Giusti EM, Veronesi G, Gianfagna F, Magnavita N, Campana F, Borchini R, Iacoviello L, Ferrario MM
Original article 2024;50(6):466-474   pdf full text
Quick returns, sleep, sleepiness and stress – An intra-individual field study on objective sleep and diary data
Öster K, Tucker P, Söderström M, Dahlgren A
Discussion paper 2024;50(4):233-243   pdf full text
Working hours and health – key research topics in the past and future
Härmä M, Kecklund G, Tucker P
Editorial 2024;50(3):129-133   pdf full text
Working hours and cardiovascular disease
Rugulies R
Original article 2024;50(3):152-157   pdf full text
Validity of self-reported night shift work among women with and without breast cancer
Vestergaard JM, Haug JND, Dalbøge A, Bonde JPE, Garde AH, Hansen J, Hansen ÅM, Larsen AD, Härmä M, Costello S, Kolstad HA
Original article 2024;50(3):142-151   pdf full text
Night shift work and cardiovascular diseases among employees in Germany: five-year follow-up of the Gutenberg Health Study
Jankowiak S, Rossnagel K, Bauer J, Schulz A, Liebers F, Latza U, Romero Starke K, Seidler A, Nübling M, Riechmann-Wolf M, Letzel S, Wild P, Arnold N, Beutel M, Pfeiffer N, Lackner K, Münzel T, Schulze A, Hegewald J
Original article 2024;50(1):22-27   pdf full text
The effect of a night shift nap on post-night shift performance, sleepiness, mood, and first recovery sleep: A randomized crossover trial
Patterson PD, Hilditch CJ, Weaver MD, Roach DGL, Okerman TS, Martin SE, Patterson CG, Weiss LS
Original article 2023;49(6):439-448   pdf full text
Night and shift work patterns and incidence of type 2 diabetes and hypertension in a prospective cohort study of healthcare employees
Viklund A, Andersson T, Selander J, Kader M, Albin M, Bodin T, Härmä M, Ljungman P, Bigert C
Original article 2023;49(2):117-125   pdf full text
Night and evening shifts and risk of calling in sick within the next two days – a case-crossover study design based on day-to-day payroll data
Larsen AD, Nielsen HB, Kirschheiner-Rasmussen J, Hansen J, Hansen ÅM, Kolstad HA, Rugulies R, Garde AH
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