Key term: effect

Original article 2024;50(3):218-227   pdf full text
Change in employment status and its causal effect on suicidal ideation and depressive symptoms: A marginal structural model with machine learning algorithms
Yoon J, Kim J-H, Chung Y, Park J, Leigh J-H, Kim S-S
Original article 2024;50(3):187-196   pdf full text
Effects of a participatory work stress prevention approach for employees in primary education: results of a quasi-experimental study
Bakhuys Roozeboom MC, Wiezer NM, Schelvis RMC, Niks IMW, Boot CRL
Original article 2023;49(3):222-230   pdf full text
Office design, telework from home, and self-certified sickness absence: A cross-sectional study of main and moderating effects in a nationally representative sample
Borge RH, Johannessen HA, Fostervold KI, Nielsen MB
Original article 2021;47(3):224-232   pdf full text
Effects of changes in early retirement policies on labor force participation: the differential effects for vulnerable groups
Oude Hengel KM, Riumallo-Herl C, Schram JLD, Nieboer D, van der Beek AJ, Burdorf A
Original article 2018;44(6):613-621   pdf full text
Effectiveness of a digital platform-based implementation strategy to prevent work stress in a healthcare organization: a 12-month follow-up controlled trial
Havermans BM, Boot CRL, Brouwers EPM, Houtman ILD, Heerkens YF, Zijlstra-Vlasveld MC, Twisk JWR, Anema JR, van der Beek AJ
Letter to the Editor 2017;43(1):96-96   pdf full text
Response to Dr Stevens’ letter ref. Visitisen et al: “Short-term effects of night shift work on breast cancer risk: a cohort study of payroll data”
Kolstad HA, Garde AH, Hansen ÅM, Frydenberg M, Christiansen P, Vistisen HT, Bonde JPE
Original article 2017;43(1):59-67   pdf full text
Short-term effects of night shift work on breast cancer risk: a cohort study of payroll data
Vistisen HT, Garde AH, Frydenberg M, Christiansen P, Hansen ÅM, Hansen J, Bonde JPE, Kolstad HA
Original article 2015;41(1):94-101   pdf full text
Neurological outcomes associated with low-level manganese exposure in an inception cohort of asymptomatic welding trainees
Baker MG, Criswell SR, Racette BA, Simpson CD, Sheppard L, Checkoway H, Seixas NS
Original article 2015;41(1):65-74   pdf full text
The effect of the presence and characteristics of an outlying group on exposure–outcome associations
Coenen P, Mathiassen SE, Kingma I, Boot CRL, Bongers PM, van Dieën JH
Original article 2013;39(4):379-389   pdf full text
The effect of overcommitment and reward on muscle activity, posture, and forces in the arm-wrist-hand region – a field study among computer workers
Eijckelhof BHW, Bruno Garza JL, Huysmans MA, Blatter BM, Johnson PW, van Dieën JH, van der Beek AJ, Dennerlein JT
Editorial 2010;36(4):269-271   pdf
How do we know if monetary incentives are effective and efficient for controlling health and safety risks at work?
Verbeek J
1978;4 suppl 2:104-113   pdf
Styrene, its experimental and clinical toxicology. A review.
Härkönen H
1979;5 suppl 3:56-67   pdf
Effects of motion load changes on tendon tissues and articular cartilage. A biochemical and scanning electron microscopic study on rabbits.
Videman T, Eronen I, Candolin T
Original article 1980;6(2):94-103   pdf
Effects of xylene and alcohol on vestibular and visual functions in man.
Savolainen K, Riihimäki V, Vaheri E, Linnoila M
Original article 1980;6(2):135-145   pdf
The effect of welding fumes on ocular readaptation time.
Linde C-J
Supplement 1981;7 suppl 1:1-39   pdf
Carbon monoxide criteria. With reference to effects on the heart, central nervous system and fetus.
Rylander R, Vesterlund J
Review 2008;34(4):239-249   pdf
Partial sick leave—review of its use, effects and feasibility in the Nordic countries
Kausto J, Miranda H, Martimo K-P, Viikari-Juntura E
Original article 2006;32(4):318-327   pdf
Overtime work and its effects on sleep, sleepiness, cortisol and blood pressure in an experimental field study
Dahlgren A, Kecklund G, Åkerstedt T
Original article 2003;29(2):106-116   pdf
Effects of software programs stimulating regular breaks and exercises on work-related neck and upper-limb disorders
van den Heuvel SG, de Looze MP, Hildebrandt VH, Thé KH
Article 1999;25 suppl 3:40-64   pdf
Environmental health in the Baltic region -- toxic metals
Skerfving S, Bencko V, Vahter M, Schütz A, Gerhardsson L