Key term: Sweden

Original article 2024;50(8):641-652   pdf full text
In or out of reach? Long-term trends in the reach of health assessments in the Swedish occupational setting
Ekblom-Bak E, Lindwall M, Eriksson L, Stenling A, Svartengren M, Lundmark R, Kallings L, Hemmingsson E, Väisänen D
Original article 2024;50(7):519-526   pdf full text
Impact of work–life interference on burnout and job discontent: A one-year follow-up study of physicians in Sweden
Gynning BE, Christiansen F, Lidwall U, Brulin E
Original article 2024;50(4):300-309   pdf full text
The role of working conditions in educational differences in all-cause and ischemic heart disease mortality among Swedish men
Almroth M, Hemmingsson T, Falkstedt D, Kjellberg K, Carlsson E, Pan K-Y, Berglund K, Thern E
Original article 2024;50(4):279-289   pdf full text
Does country of resettlement influence the risk of labor market marginalization among refugees? A cohort study in Sweden and Norway
Amin R, Mittendorfer-Rutz E, Undem K, Mehlum IS, Hasting RL
Original article 2024;50(4):268-278   pdf full text
Can psychosocial risk factors mediate the association between precarious employment and mental health problems in Sweden? Results from a register-based study
Méndez-Rivero F, Matilla-Santander N, Gunn V, Wegman DH, Hernando-­Rodriguez JC, Kvart S, Julià M, Kreshpaj B, Bodin T, Hemmingsson T, Muntaner C, Padrosa E, Almroth M
Original article 2023;49(7):496-505   pdf full text
Trajectories of psychosocial working conditions and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a Swedish register-based cohort study
Pan K-Y, Almroth M, Nevriana A, Hemmingsson T, Kjellberg K, Falkstedt D
Original article 2023;49(6):428-438   pdf full text
The effectiveness of implementing the Guideline for the Prevention of Mental Ill-health Problems at the Workplace on health-outcomes, organizational and social risk factors: a cluster-randomized controlled trial in Swedish schools
Toropova A, Rödlund A, Björklund C, Schäfer Elinder LS, Jensen I, Kwak L
Original article 2023;49(6):386-394   pdf full text
Occupational risks associated with severe COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 infection – a Swedish national case-control study conducted from October 2020 to December 2021
Torén K, Albin M, Bergström T, Murgia N, Alderling M, Schiöler L, Åberg M
Original article 2023;49(6):395-404   pdf full text
Gender-based harassment in Swedish workplaces and alcohol-related morbidity and mortality: A prospective cohort study
Blindow KJ, Thern E, Hernando-Rodriguez JC, Nyberg A, Magnusson Hanson LL
Original article 2023;49(7):518-525   pdf full text
A cohort study of retinal detachment among Swedish construction workers
Schott KD, Kriebel D, Sama SR, Buchholz BO, Järvholm B, Wahlström J
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