Key term: epidemiology

Original article 2016;42(5):423-434   pdf full text
Effects of leisure-time and occupational physical activities on 20-year incidence of acute myocardial infarction: mediation and interaction
Wang A, Arah OA, Kauhanen J, Krause N
Letter to the Editor 2016;42(3):251-255   pdf full text
Methodological and conceptual issues regarding occupational psychosocial coronary heart disease epidemiology
Burr H, Formazin M, Pohrt A
Short communication 2016;42(2):170-174   pdf full text
Mid-life job insecurity associated with subjective well-being in old age: results from the population-based MONICA/KORA study
Barrech A, Baumert J, Emeny RT, Gündel H, Ladwig K-H
Case report 2016;42(1):80-85   pdf full text
Asbestos in toys: an exemplary case
Silvestri S, Di Benedetto F, Raffaelli C, Veraldi A
Original article 2014;40(6):610-620   pdf full text
Exposure–response relationships for the ACGIH threshold limit value for hand-activity level: results from a pooled data study of carpal tunnel syndrome
Kapellusch JM, Gerr FE, Malloy EJ, Garg A, Harris-Adamson C, Bao SS, Burt SE, Dale AM, Eisen EA, Evanoff BA, Hegmann KT, Silverstein BA, Theise MS, Rempel DM
Original article 2014;40(6):621-630   pdf full text
For better or worse? Changing shift schedules and the risk of work injury among men and women
Wong IS, Smith PM, Mustard CA, Gignac MAM
Book review 2014;40(4):435-436   pdf full text
Philosophy of Epidemiology, New Directions in the Philosophy of Science
Hansson SO
Editorial 2014;40(3):211-213   pdf full text
Medication use as an outcome variable in environmental (noise) epidemiology
Barregard L, Stansfeld S
Original article 2014;40(4):335-342   pdf full text
Heavy work and disability pension – a long term follow-up of Swedish construction workers
Järvholm B, Stattin M, Robroek SJW, Janlert U, Karlsson B, Burdorf A
Letter to the Editor 2014;40(1):101-102   pdf full text
The prevalence and incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome in US working populations
Shiri R
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