Key term: work disability

Original article [online first; 3 June 2024]   pdf
Does job stress mediate the risk of work disability due to common mental disorders among social workers compared with other health and social care, education, and non-human service professionals? A prospective cohort study of public sector employees in Finland
Rantonen O, Ervasti J, Alexanderson K, Oksanen T, Aalto V, Mittendorfer-Rutz E, Salo P
Original article 2023;49(8):588-597   pdf full text
Impact of a Finnish reform adding new sickness absence checkpoints on rehabilitation and labor market outcomes: an interrupted time series analysis
Laaksonen M, Blomgren J, Rinne H, Perhoniemi R
Original article 2023;49(8):569-577   pdf full text
Metabolic syndrome increases the risk for premature employment exit: A longitudinal study among 60 427 middle-aged and older workers from the Lifelines Cohort Study and Biobank
Runge K, van Zon SKR, Henkens K, Bültmann U
Original article 2022;48(4):264-272   pdf full text
Economic evaluation of return-to-work interventions for mental disorder-related sickness absence: two years follow-up of a randomized clinical trial
Finnes A, Hoch JS, Enebrink P, Dahl JA, Ghaderi A, Nager A, Feldman I
Original article 2021;47(4):296-305   pdf full text
Impact of anxiety and depression disorders on sustained return to work after work-related musculoskeletal strain or sprain: a gender stratified cohort study
Jones AM, Koehoorn M, Bültmann U, McLeod CB
Original article 2020;46(1):50-59   pdf full text
Individual placement and support for young adults at risk of early work disability (the SEED trial). A randomized controlled trial
Sveinsdottir V, Lie SA, Bond GR, Eriksen HR, Tveito TH, Grasdal AL, Reme SE
Original article 2020;46(2):168-176   pdf full text
Predicting future changes in the work ability of individuals receiving a work disability benefit: weighted analysis of longitudinal data
Louwerse I, Huysmans MA, van Rijssen JHJ, Schaafsma FG, Weerdesteijn KHN, van der Beek AJ, Anema JR
Original article 2019;45(6):651-660   pdf full text
The effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation on work participation: a propensity score matched analysis using nationwide register data
Leinonen T, Viikari-Juntura E, Husgafvel-Pursiainen K, Juvonen-Posti P, Laaksonen M, Solovieva S
Book review 2019;45(2):211-212   pdf full text
The Science and Politics of Work Disability Prevention
Brouwer S, Boot CRL
Original article 2019;45(4):376-385   pdf full text
Does increasing physical activity reduce the excess risk of work disability among overweight individuals?
Ervasti J, Airaksinen J, Pentti J, Vahtera J, Suominen S, Virtanen M, Kivimäki M
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