Original article2024;50(6):456-465
pdf full text Does job stress mediate the risk of work disability due to common mental disorders among social workers compared with other health and social care, education, and non-human service professionals? A prospective cohort study of public sector employees in Finland
Original article2023;49(8):588-597
pdf full text Impact of a Finnish reform adding new sickness absence checkpoints on rehabilitation and labor market outcomes: an interrupted time series analysis
Original article2023;49(8):569-577
pdf full text Metabolic syndrome increases the risk for premature employment exit: A longitudinal study among 60 427 middle-aged and older workers from the Lifelines Cohort Study and Biobank
Original article2022;48(4):264-272
pdf full text Economic evaluation of return-to-work interventions for mental disorder-related sickness absence: two years follow-up of a randomized clinical trial
Original article2021;47(4):296-305
pdf full text Impact of anxiety and depression disorders on sustained return to work after work-related musculoskeletal strain or sprain: a gender stratified cohort study
Original article2020;46(1):50-59
pdf full text Individual placement and support for young adults at risk of early work disability (the SEED trial). A randomized controlled trial
Original article2020;46(2):168-176
pdf full text Predicting future changes in the work ability of individuals receiving a work disability benefit: weighted analysis of longitudinal data
Original article2019;45(6):651-660
pdf full text The effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation on work participation: a propensity score matched analysis using nationwide register data
Original article2019;45(4):376-385
pdf full text Does increasing physical activity reduce the excess risk of work disability among overweight individuals?
Original article2018;44(5):485-495
pdf full text Clustering of job strain, effort−reward imbalance, and organizational injustice and the risk of work disability: a cohort study
pdf full text Content and quality of workplace guidelines developed to prevent mental health problems: results from a systematic review
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pdf Prediction of long-term absence due to sickness in employees: development and validation of a multifactorial risk score in two cohort studies
Original article2016;42(6):481-489
pdf full text Sickness absence and permanent work disability in relation to upper- and lower-body pain and occupational mechanical and psychosocial exposures
Original article2015;41(5):460-466
pdf full text Predictors of permanent work disability among ≤50-year-old patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention
Original article2014;40(4):380-389
pdf full text Trajectories of productivity loss over a 20-year period: an analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
Original article2014;40(4):343-352
pdf full text Is temporary employment a risk factor for work disability due to depressive disorders and delayed return to work? The Finnish Public Sector Study
Original article2014;40(3):244-251
pdf full text Workplace strength training prevents deterioration of work ability among workers with chronic pain and work disability: a randomized controlled trial
Original article2013;39(5):468-476
pdf full text Work-related psychosocial and mechanical risk factors for work disability: a 3-year follow-up study of the general working population in Norway
Amendments and corrections2012;38(6):604-604
pdf Re: Young AE, Wasiak R, Webster BS, Shayne RGF. Urban–rural differences in work disability after an occupational injury. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2008;34(2):158–164. doi:10.5271/sjweh.1217
Original article2013;39(1):57-65
pdf full text Does perceived work ability improve after a multidisciplinary preventive program in a population with no severe medical problems – the Finnish Public Sector Study
Original article2012;38(1):27-37
pdf Effectiveness of multidisciplinary primary prevention in decreasing the risk of work disability in a low-risk population
pdf Common prognostic factors of work disability among employees with a chronic somatic disease: a systematic review of cohort studies
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