Key term: absenteeism

Original article 2024;50(7):527-535   pdf full text
Do return-to-work trajectories differ by mental disorder diagnosis? A register study among 37 523 Dutch workers
Vendelbosch R, Roelen C, Almansa J, Bültmann U, Arends I
Original article 2024;50(6):416-425   pdf full text
Does job control contribute to differences in physician-certified sickness absence across office concepts? A mediation analysis in a nationally representative sample
Borge RH, Johannessen HA, Fostervold KI, Nielsen MB
Original article 2023;49(7):466-476   pdf full text
The effects of a national, voluntary agreement for a more inclusive working life on work participation following long-term sickness absence: a Norwegian cohort study
Hasting RL, Mehlum IS, Undem K, Robroek SJW, Burdorf A, Gran JM, Merkus SL
Original article 2023;49(5):341-349   pdf full text
Burden of idiopathic inflammatory rheumatic diseases in occupational healthcare: increased absenteeism and healthcare resource utilization
Ukkola-Vuoti L, Karlsson A, Tuominen S, Lassenius MI, Aaltonen J, Ranta M, Kosunen M, Renlund M, Lehtonen A, Puolakka K
Original article 2023;49(4):283-292   pdf full text
Duration and intensity of occupational lifting and risk of long-term sickness absence: Prospective cohort study with register follow-up among 45 000 workers
Bláfoss R, Skovlund SV, Skals S, Sundstrup E, López-Bueno R, Calatayud J, Andersen LL
Original article 2023;49(3):222-230   pdf full text
Office design, telework from home, and self-certified sickness absence: A cross-sectional study of main and moderating effects in a nationally representative sample
Borge RH, Johannessen HA, Fostervold KI, Nielsen MB
Original article 2022;48(7):560-568   pdf full text
Chronic disorders, work-unit leadership quality and long-term sickness absence among 33 025 public hospital employees
Mehta AJ, Mathisen J, Nguyen T-L, Rugulies R, Hulvej Rod N
Original article 2022;48(7):549-559   pdf full text
Combined psychosocial work factors and risk of long-term sickness absence in the general working population: Prospective cohort with register follow-up among 69 371 workers
Andersen LL, Vinstrup J, Thorsen SV, Pedersen J, Sundstrup E, Rugulies R
Original article 2022;48(5):399-409   pdf full text
Cost and cost-effectiveness of the ‘Stand and Move at Work’ multicomponent intervention to reduce workplace sedentary time and cardiometabolic risk
Michaud TL, You W, Estabrooks PA, Leonard K, Rydell SA, Mullane SL, Pereira MA, Buman MP
Original article 2022;48(2):148-157   pdf full text
Associations of employment sector and occupational exposures with full and part-time sickness absence: random and fixed effects analyses on panel data
Hartikainen E, Solovieva S, Viikari-Juntura E, Leinonen T
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