Original article2023;49(7):496-505
pdf full text Trajectories of psychosocial working conditions and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a Swedish register-based cohort study
Original article2023;49(2):136-144
pdf full text Do influence at work and possibilities for development mitigate the impact of job demands for workers with and without depression
Original article2022;48(2):99-108
pdf full text Working at home and expectations of being available: effects on perceived work environment, turnover intentions, and health
pdf full text Monitoring trends in psychosocial and physical working conditions: Challenges and suggestions for the 21st century
Original article2021;47(5):335-348
pdf full text Occupational trajectories of working conditions in Sweden: Development trends in the workforce, 1997–2015
pdf full text Is job strain associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus? A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
Original article2020;46(5):488-497
pdf full text Psychosocial working characteristics before retirement and depressive symptoms across the retirement transition: a longitudinal latent class analysis
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