Key term: work environment

Editorial 2024;50(5):311-316   pdf full text
Integrating a life course perspective in work environment and health research: empirical challenges and interdisciplinary opportunities
Bültmann U, Broberg K, Selander J
Editorial 2024;50(3):129-133   pdf full text
Working hours and cardiovascular disease
Rugulies R
Editorial 2023;49(8):535-538   pdf full text
Physical exposures in the work environment during pregnancy – a challenge for risk assessment
Selander J
Original article 2022;48(2):99-108   pdf full text
Working at home and expectations of being available: effects on perceived work environment, turnover intentions, and health
Knardahl S, Christensen JO
Original article 2021;47(5):335-348   pdf full text
Occupational trajectories of working conditions in Sweden: Development trends in the workforce, 1997–2015
Corin L, Pousette A, Berglund T, Dellve L, Hensing G, Björk L
Original article 2020;46(4):373-381   pdf full text
Physical workload, long-term sickness absence, and the role of social capital. Multi-level analysis of a large occupation cohort
Török E, Clark AJ, Ersbøll AK, Bjorner JB, Holtermann A, Rugulies R, LaMontagne AD, Milner A, Rod NH
Original article 2019;45(2):134-145   pdf full text
Organizational change and employee mental health: A prospective multilevel study of the associations between organizational changes and clinically relevant mental distress
Fløvik L, Knardahl S, Christensen JO
Original article 2017;43(3):234-240   pdf full text
Organizational change, psychosocial work environment, and non-disability early retirement: a prospective study among senior public employees
Breinegaard N, Jensen JH, Bonde JP
Editorial 2015;41(6):509-510   pdf full text
Work characteristics and health: how to analyze change
Boot CRL
Original article 2015;41(6):542-553   pdf
Adult social position and sick leave: the mediating effect of physical workload
Corbett K, Gran JM, Kristensen P, Mehlum IS
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