Original article2024;50(6):456-465
pdf full text Does job stress mediate the risk of work disability due to common mental disorders among social workers compared with other health and social care, education, and non-human service professionals? A prospective cohort study of public sector employees in Finland
Original article2021;47(8):600-608
pdf full text Sickness absence and return to work among employees with knee osteoarthritis with and without total knee arthroplasty: a prospective register linkage study among Finnish public sector employees
Original article2021;47(3):181-190
pdf full text Shift work, work time control, and informal caregiving as risk factors for sleep disturbances in an ageing municipal workforce
Original article2020;46(3):293-301
pdf full text Shift work and physical inactivity: findings from the Finnish Public Sector Study with objective working hour data
Original article2019;45(5):465-474
pdf full text Associations between shift work and use of prescribed medications for the treatment of hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia: a prospective cohort study
Original article2018;44(5):485-495
pdf full text Clustering of job strain, effort−reward imbalance, and organizational injustice and the risk of work disability: a cohort study
Original article2018;44(4):394-402
pdf full text Association of changes in work shifts and shift intensity with change in fatigue and disturbed sleep: a within-subject study
Original article2018;44(3):274-282
pdf Prediction of long-term absence due to sickness in employees: development and validation of a multifactorial risk score in two cohort studies
pdf Long working hours and depressive symptoms: systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies and unpublished individual participant data
Original article2017;43(4):358-366
pdf full text Length of sickness absence and sustained return-to-work in mental disorders and musculoskeletal diseases: a cohort study of public sector employees
Original article2016;42(5):395-404
pdf full text Organizational justice and disability pension from all-causes, depression and musculoskeletal diseases: A Finnish cohort study of public sector employees
Amendments and corrections2016;42(1):97-98
pdf full text Re. Härmä M, Ropponen A, Hakola T, Koskinen A, Vanttola P, Puttonen S, Sallinen M, Salo P, Oksanen T, Pentti J, Vahtera J, Kivimäki M. Developing register-based measures for assessment of working time patterns for epidemiologic studies. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2015;41(3):268–279. doi: 10.5271/sjweh.3492
Original article2014;40(4):343-352
pdf full text Is temporary employment a risk factor for work disability due to depressive disorders and delayed return to work? The Finnish Public Sector Study
Original article2013;39(1):57-65
pdf full text Does perceived work ability improve after a multidisciplinary preventive program in a population with no severe medical problems – the Finnish Public Sector Study
Original article2012;38(3):209-217
pdf Pupils with special educational needs in basic education schools and teachers’ sickness absences – a register-linkage study
Original article2012;38(3):228-237
pdf Health risk behaviors and morbidity among hospital staff − comparison across hospital ward medical specialties in a study of 21 Finnish hospitals
Original article2012;38(1):27-37
pdf Effectiveness of multidisciplinary primary prevention in decreasing the risk of work disability in a low-risk population
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