Original article2022;48(5):351-360
pdf full text Low-quality employment trajectories and the risk of common mental health disorders among individuals with Swedish and foreign background – a register-based cohort study
Original article2022;48(5):361-371
pdf full text Integrating vocational rehabilitation and mental healthcare to improve the return-to-work process for people on sick leave with stress-related disorders: results from a randomized trial
Original article2022;48(4):302-311
pdf full text Emotional demands at work and risk of hospital-treated depressive disorder in up to 1.6 million Danish employees: a prospective nationwide register-based cohort study
pdf full text Precarious employment and migrant workers’ mental health: a systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies
Original article2022;48(4):264-272
pdf full text Economic evaluation of return-to-work interventions for mental disorder-related sickness absence: two years follow-up of a randomized clinical trial
Original article2022;48(3):239-247
pdf full text Occupational stress and pregnancy-related hypertension and diabetes: Results from a nationwide prospective cohort
Original article2022;48(1):71-80
pdf full text Screening for cognitive impairment among patients with work-related stress complaints in Denmark: validation and evaluation of objective and self-report tools
Discussion paper2021;47(4):318-327
pdf full text Developing a cost-estimation model for work–related stress: An absence-based estimation using data from two Italian case studies
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