Key term: worker

Original article 2018;44(1):47-57   pdf full text
Time course of neck-shoulder pain among workers: A longitudinal latent class growth analysis
Hallman DM, Rasmussen CDN, Jørgensen MB, Holtermann A
Original article 2018;44(1):58-68   pdf full text
Effectiveness of a participatory physical and psychosocial intervention to balance the demands and resources of industrial workers: A cluster-randomized controlled trial
Gupta N, Wåhlin-Jacobsen CD, Abildgaard JS, Henriksen LN, Nielsen K, Holtermann A
Original article 2018;44(2):202-211   pdf full text
Objectively measured occupational and leisure-time physical activity: cross-sectional associations with sleep problems
Skarpsno ES, Mork PJ, Nilsen TIL, Jørgensen MB, Holtermann A
Original article 2017;43(4):326-336   pdf full text
Predicting working beyond retirement in the Netherlands: an interdisciplinary approach involving occupational epidemiology and economics
Scharn M, van der Beek AJ, Huisman M, de Wind A, Lindeboom M, Elbers CTM, Geuskens GA, Boot CRL
Original article 2017;43(4):385-390   pdf full text
The association between blood lead levels and cardiovascular diseases among lead-exposed male workers
Min Y-S, Ahn Y-S
Short communication 2015;41(4):413-416   pdf full text
Shift work and mental health sickness absence: a 10-year observational cohort study among male production workers
Norder G, Roelen CAM, Bültmann U, van der Klink JJL
Original article 2014;40(6):631-638   pdf full text
Unnecessary work tasks and mental health: a prospective analysis of Danish human service workers
Madsen IEH, Tripathi M, Borritz M, Rugulies R
Review 2014;40(5):441-456   pdf full text
A reciprocal interplay between psychosocial job stressors and worker well-being? A systematic review of the “reversed” effect
Tang K
Original article 2014;40(3):305-314   pdf full text
Workers’ psychological distress, depression, and burnout symptoms: associations with diurnal cortisol profiles
Marchand A, Durand P, Juster R-P, Lupien SJ
Original article 2012;38(1):70-77   pdf
Estimation of life expectancies and loss-of-life expectancies for workers with permanent occupational disabilities of the extremities – a 21-year follow-up study
Lin S-H, Lee H-Y, Chang Y-Y, Jang Y, Wang J-D
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