Key term: employment

Original article 2024;50(6):437-446   pdf full text
Implemented disability-related policies and practices and sustained employment of partially disabled employees: evidence from linked survey and register data
van Ooijen R, Koning PWC, Boot CRL, Brouwer S
Original article 2024;50(6):426-436   pdf full text
Gender and educational differences in work participation and working years lost in Norway
Merkus SL, Hoff R, Hasting RL, Undem K, Robroek SJW, Gran JM, Mehlum IS
Short communication 2024;50(2):122-128   pdf full text
Impact of employment and income support interventions on the health of young adults with episodic disability: Findings from a systematic review
Jetha A, Navaratnerajah L, Kondratowski S, Parmassar M, Tucker LB, Gignac MAM
Original article 2023;49(8):598-609   pdf full text
The impact of employment on mental healthcare use among people with disability: distinguishing between part- and full-time employment
Saxby K, Dickinson H, Petrie D, Kavanagh A, Aitken Z
Original article 2023;49(8):588-597   pdf full text
Impact of a Finnish reform adding new sickness absence checkpoints on rehabilitation and labor market outcomes: an interrupted time series analysis
Laaksonen M, Blomgren J, Rinne H, Perhoniemi R
Original article 2023;49(2):136-144   pdf full text
Do influence at work and possibilities for development mitigate the impact of job demands for workers with and without depression
Ots P, Keller AC, Altrock E, van Zon SKR, Brouwer S
Original article 2022;48(8):632-640   pdf full text
Overqualification at work and risk of hospitalization for psychiatric and somatic diseases among immigrants in Sweden – a prospective register-based study
Brendler-Lindqvist M, Tondel M, Helgesson M, Nordqvist T, Svartengren M
Original article 2022;48(7):569-578   pdf full text
Social inequalities in early exit from employment in Germany: a causal mediation analysis on the role of work, health, and work ability
Rohrbacher M, Hasselhorn HM
Original article 2022;48(6):498-506   pdf full text
The impact of vocational rehabilitation on employment outcomes: A regression discontinuity approach
Laaksonen M, Ilmakunnas I, Tuominen S
Discussion paper 2022;48(4):312-321   pdf full text
The differentiated roles of health in the transition from work to retirement – conceptual and methodological challenges and avenues for future research
Hasselhorn HM, Leinonen T, Bültmann U, Mehlum IS, du Prel J-B, Kiran S, Majery N, Solovieva S, de Wind A
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