Key term: well-being

Original article 2023;49(7):506-517   pdf full text
Multidimensional employment precariousness mediates the association between low educational attainment and poor subjective well-being: results from a nationwide cross-sectional study in South Korea
Baek S-U, Kim M-S, Lim M-H, Kim T, Won J-U, Yoon J-H
Review 2023;49(4):235-248   pdf full text
How effective are interventions in optimizing workplace mental health and well-being? A scoping review of reviews and evidence map
Waddell A, Kunstler B, Lennox A, Pattuwage L, Grundy EAC, Tsering D, Olivier P, Bragge P
Original article 2021;47(8):619-627   pdf full text
Working from home: mismatch between access and need in relation to work–home interference and fatigue
de Wind A, Beckers DGJ, Nijp HH, Hooftman W, de Boer AGEM, Geurts SAE
Discussion paper 2021;47(7):550-560   pdf full text
Working life, health and well-being of parents: a joint effort to uncover hidden treasures in European birth cohorts
Ubalde-Lopez M, Garani-Papadatos T, Scelo G, Casas M, Lissåker C, Peters S, Nohr EA, Albin M, Lucas R, Papantoniou K, Polańska K, Ramlau-Hansen CH, Šarac J, Selander J, Skröder H, Vasileiou E, Kogevinas M, Bültmann U, Mehlum IS, Maule M
Original article 2018;44(5):475-484   pdf full text
Time takes us all? A two-wave observational study of age and time effects on sustainable employability
Fleuren BPI, van Amelsvoort LGPM, de Grip A, Zijlstra FRH, Kant I
Short communication 2018;44(3):330-334   pdf
The relationship between office type and job satisfaction: Testing a multiple mediation model through ease of interaction and well-being
Otterbring T, Pareigis J, Wästlund E, Makrygiannis A, Lindström A
Review 2017;43(2):99-108   pdf full text
A systematic review of brief mental health and well-being interventions in organizational settings
Ivandic I, Freeman A, Birner U, Nowak D, Sabariego C
Editorial 2016;42(2):99-102   pdf full text
On the scarring effects of job insecurity (and how they can be explained)
De Witte H
Original article 2015;41(4):347-355   pdf full text
Worktime control access, need and use in relation to work-home interference, fatigue, and job motivation
Nijp HH, Beckers DGJ, Kompier MAJ, van den Bossche SNJ, Geurts SAE
Original article 2015;41(1):16-23   pdf full text
How do retirement dynamics influence mental well-being in later life? A 10-year panel study
Dingemans E, Henkens K
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