Original article2018;44(2):183-191
pdf full text Do resources buffer the prospective association of psychosocial work stress with depression? Longitudinal evidence from ageing workers
Original article2018;44(1):69-79
pdf full text Work–family conflict and depressive complaints among Dutch employees: examining reciprocal associations in a longitudinal study
Original article2017;43(5):405-414
pdf full text Work-related biomechanical exposure and job strain in midlife separately and jointly predict disability after 28 years: a Finnish longitudinal study
Original article2017;43(4):326-336
pdf full text Predicting working beyond retirement in the Netherlands: an interdisciplinary approach involving occupational epidemiology and economics
pdf full text Effort–reward imbalance at work and risk of depressive disorders. A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies
Original article2017;43(1):50-58
pdf full text Psychosocial job quality and mental health among young workers: a fixed-effects regression analysis using 13 waves of annual data
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