Original article2024;50(6):475-484
pdf full text The independent and interactive effects of changes in overtime and night shifts during the COVID-19 pandemic on burnout among nurses: a longitudinal study
Original article2024;50(3):142-151
pdf full text Night shift work and cardiovascular diseases among employees in Germany: five-year follow-up of the Gutenberg Health Study
Original article2024;50(2):61-72
pdf full text The labor market costs of work-related stress: A longitudinal study of 52 763 Danish employees using multi-state modeling
Original article2023;49(8):569-577
pdf full text Metabolic syndrome increases the risk for premature employment exit: A longitudinal study among 60 427 middle-aged and older workers from the Lifelines Cohort Study and Biobank
Original article2023;49(7):466-476
pdf full text The effects of a national, voluntary agreement for a more inclusive working life on work participation following long-term sickness absence: a Norwegian cohort study
Original article2023;49(1):64-74
pdf full text Workplace bullying, symptoms of anxiety and the interaction with leadership quality – a longitudinal study using dynamic panel models with fixed effects
Original article2022;48(7):530-539
pdf full text Healthcare workers’ SARS-CoV-2 infection rates during the second wave of the pandemic: follow-up study
Original article2022;48(7):560-568
pdf full text Chronic disorders, work-unit leadership quality and long-term sickness absence among 33 025 public hospital employees
Original article2022;48(5):380-390
pdf full text Working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic and its longitudinal association with physical activity and sedentary behavior
Original article2022;48(4):293-301
pdf full text Perceived job insecurity and risk of suicide and suicide attempts: a study of men and women in the Swedish working population
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