Key term: sick leave

Original article 2021;47(4):268-276   pdf full text
The associations of working hour characteristics with short sickness absence among part- and full-time retail workers
Shiri R, Hakola T, Härmä M, Ropponen A
Original article 2021;47(4):258-267   pdf full text
Efficacy of an indicated prevention strategy on sickness absence and termination of the employment contract: a 5-year follow-up study
Klasen SH, van Amelsvoort LGPM, Jansen NWH, Slangen JJM, Tjin A Ton G, Kant I
Original article 2020;46(4):410-416   pdf full text
Neurodevelopmental disorders among young adults and the risk of sickness absence and disability pension: a nationwide register linkage study
Virtanen M, Lallukka T, Kivimäki M, Alexanderson K, Ervasti J, Mittendorfer-Rutz E
Original article 2020;46(4):356-363   pdf full text
Effectiveness of adding a workplace intervention to an inpatient multimodal occupational rehabilitation program: A randomized clinical trial
Skagseth M, Fimland MS, Rise MB, Johnsen R, Borchgrevink PC, Aasdahl L
Original article 2020;46(3):302-310   pdf full text
Do gender and psychosocial job stressors modify the relationship between disability and sickness absence: An investigation using 12 waves of a longitudinal cohort
Milner A, Aitken Z, Byars S, Butterworth P, Kavanagh A
Short communication 2020;46(3):330-334   pdf full text
The impact of office design on medically certified sickness absence
Nielsen MB, Knardahl S
Original article 2020;46(2):209-217   pdf full text
Status incongruence in human service occupations and implications for mild-to-severe depressive symptoms and register-based sickness absence: A prospective cohort study
Nyberg A, Johansson G, Westerlund H, Rostila M, Toivanen S
Review 2020;46(1):5-18   pdf full text
Smoking and sickness absence: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Troelstra SA, Coenen P, Boot CRL, Harting J, Kunst AE, van der Beek AJ
Review 2019;45(4):333-345   pdf full text
Fatigue and risk of sickness absence in the working population: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies
Sagherian K, Geiger-Brown J, Rogers VE, Ludeman E
Original article 2019;45(6):622-630   pdf full text
The role of occupational class on the association between sickness absence and disability pension: A Swedish register-based twin study
Helgadóttir B, Narusyte J, Ropponen A, Bergström G, Mather L, Blom V, Svedberg P
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