Key term: sickness absence

Original article 2024;50(8):631-640   pdf full text
Work-family conflicts and sickness absence due to mental disorders among female municipal employees – a register-linked study comparing health and social care employees to employees in other sectors
Harkko J, Salonsalmi A, Heinonen NA, Lallukka T, Kouvonen A
Original article 2024;50(7):527-535   pdf full text
Do return-to-work trajectories differ by mental disorder diagnosis? A register study among 37 523 Dutch workers
Vendelbosch R, Roelen C, Almansa J, Bültmann U, Arends I
Original article 2024;50(6):456-465   pdf full text
Does job stress mediate the risk of work disability due to common mental disorders among social workers compared with other health and social care, education, and non-human service professionals? A prospective cohort study of public sector employees in Finland
Rantonen O, Ervasti J, Alexanderson K, Oksanen T, Aalto V, Mittendorfer-Rutz E, Salo P
Original article 2024;50(6):416-425   pdf full text
Does job control contribute to differences in physician-certified sickness absence across office concepts? A mediation analysis in a nationally representative sample
Borge RH, Johannessen HA, Fostervold KI, Nielsen MB
Editorial 2024;50(2):49-52   pdf full text
What are the economic costs of a poor work environment?
Rugulies R, Burdorf A
Original article 2024;50(2):61-72   pdf full text
The labor market costs of work-related stress: A longitudinal study of 52 763 Danish employees using multi-state modeling
Pedersen J, Graversen BK, Hansen KS, Madsen IEH
Original article 2024;50(1):28-38   pdf full text
Effects of the Labor Inspection Authority’s regulatory tools on physician-certified sick leave and employee health in Norwegian home-care services – a cluster randomized controlled trial
Finnanger Garshol B, Knardahl S, Emberland JS, Skare Ø, Johannessen HA
Original article 2023;49(8):610-620   pdf full text
Predicting long-term sickness absence with employee questionnaires and administrative records: a prospective cohort study of hospital employees
Nyberg ST, Elovainio M, Pentti J, Frank P, Ervasti J, Härmä M, Koskinen A, Peutere L, Ropponen A, Vahtera J, Virtanen M, Airaksinen J, Batty GD, Kivimäki M
Original article 2023;49(8):588-597   pdf full text
Impact of a Finnish reform adding new sickness absence checkpoints on rehabilitation and labor market outcomes: an interrupted time series analysis
Laaksonen M, Blomgren J, Rinne H, Perhoniemi R
Original article 2023;49(8):578-587   pdf full text
The impact of leisure-time physical activity and occupational physical activity on sickness absence. A prospective study among people with physically demanding jobs
Ketels M, Belligh T, De Bacquer D, Clays E
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