Original article2019;45(5):493-504
pdf full text Effects of a multicomponent physical activity promoting program on sedentary behavior, physical activity and body measures: a longitudinal study in different office types
Original article2019;45(1):42-52
pdf full text The impact of workplace ergonomics and neck-specific exercise versus ergonomics and health promotion interventions on office worker productivity: A cluster-randomized trial
Original article2018;44(4):414-422
pdf full text Quality of motivational interviewing matters: the effect on participation in health-promotion activities in a cluster randomized controlled trial
Original article2018;44(1):25-36
pdf full text Can beliefs about musculoskeletal pain and work be changed at the national level? Prospective evaluation of the Danish national Job & Body campaign
Amendments and corrections2017;43(3):289-289
pdf full text Re: Nabe-Nielsen K, Garde AH, Clausen T, Jørgensen MB. Does workplace health promotion reach shift workers? Scand J Work Environ Health. 2015;41(1):84–93. doi:10.5271/sjweh.3469
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