Author: Bonde JPE

Original article 2024;50(5):372-379   pdf full text
The asbestos–asbestosis exposure–response relationship: a cohort study of the general working population
Iversen IB, Vestergaard JM, Ohlander J, Peters S, Bendstrup E, Bonde JPE, Schlünssen V, Bønløkke JH, Rasmussen F, Stokholm ZA, Andersen MB, Kromhout H, Kolstad HA
Original article 2024;50(3):152-157   pdf full text
Validity of self-reported night shift work among women with and without breast cancer
Vestergaard JM, Haug JND, Dalbøge A, Bonde JPE, Garde AH, Hansen J, Hansen ÅM, Larsen AD, Härmä M, Costello S, Kolstad HA
Original article 2023;49(6):375-385   pdf full text
Associations between an international COVID-19 job exposure matrix and SARS-CoV-2 infection among 2 million workers in Denmark
van der Feltz S, Schlünssen V, Basinas I, Begtrup LM, Burdorf A, Bonde JPE, Flachs EM, Peters S, Pronk A, Stokholm ZA, van Tongeren M, van Veldhoven K, Oude Hengel KM, Kolstad HA
Original article 2023;49(3):193-200   pdf full text
COVID-19-related hospital admission in spouses of partners in at-risk occupations
Bonde JPE, Begtrup LM, Coggon D, Jensen JH, Flachs EM, Jakobsson K, Nielsen C, Nilsson K, Rylander L, Vilhelmsson A, Petersen KU, Tøttenborg SS
Original article 2023;49(1):84-94   pdf full text
Occupational risk of COVID-19 related hospital admission in Denmark 2020–2021: a follow-up study
Bonde JPE, Sell L, Flachs EM, Coggon D, Albin M, Oude Hengel KM, Kolstad H, Mehlum IS, Schlünssen V, Solovieva S, Torén K, Jakobsson K, Nielsen C, Nilsson K, Rylander L, Petersen KU, Tøttenborg SS
Short communication 2022;48(8):672-677   pdf full text
Occupational risk of COVID-19 across pandemic waves: a two-year national follow-up study of hospital admissions
Bonde JPE, Sell L, Jensen JH, Begtrup LM, Flachs EM, Jakobsson K, Nielsen C, Nilsson K, Rylander L, Petersen KU, Tøttenborg SS
Original article 2020;46(3):268-277   pdf full text
Acute myocardial infarction in relation to physical activities at work: a nationwide follow-up study based on job-exposure matrices
Bonde JPE, Flachs EM, Madsen IEH, Petersen SB, Andersen JH, Hansen J, Jørgensen EB, Kolstad H, Holtermann A, Schlünssen V, Svendsen SW
Original article 2020;46(1):69-76   pdf full text
Sedentary work and risk of venous thromboembolism
Johannesen CDL, Flachs EM, Ebbehøj NE, Marott JL, Jensen GB, Nordestgaard BG, Schnohr P, Bonde JPE
Original article 2019;45(2):174-182   pdf full text
Risk of childhood asthma following prenatal exposure to negative life events and job stressors: A nationwide register-based study in Denmark
Liu X, Madsen KP, Sejbaek CS, Kolstad HA, Bonde JPE, Olsen J, Hougaard KS, Hansen KS, Andersson NW, Rugulies R, Schlünssen V
Letter to the Editor 2017;43(1):96-96   pdf full text
Response to Dr Stevens’ letter ref. Visitisen et al: “Short-term effects of night shift work on breast cancer risk: a cohort study of payroll data”
Kolstad HA, Garde AH, Hansen ÅM, Frydenberg M, Christiansen P, Vistisen HT, Bonde JPE
Original article 2017;43(1):59-67   pdf full text
Short-term effects of night shift work on breast cancer risk: a cohort study of payroll data
Vistisen HT, Garde AH, Frydenberg M, Christiansen P, Hansen ÅM, Hansen J, Bonde JPE, Kolstad HA
Editorial 2013;39(3):217-220   pdf full text
The obesity epidemic in the occupational health context
Bonde JPE, Viikari-Juntura E
Original article 2000;26(3):187-192   pdf
Male-mediated spontaneous abortion among spouses of stainless steel welders
Hjollund NHI, Bonde JPE, Kold Jensen T, Brink Henriksen T, Andersson A-M, Kolstad HA, Ernst E, Giwercman A, Skakkebæk NE, Olsen J
Original article 2000;26(2):131-136   pdf
Time to pregnancy among female greenhouse workers
Abell A, Juul S, Bonde JPE
Article 1999;25 suppl 1:74-75   pdf
Seminal characteristics following exposure to pesticides among agricultural workers
Larsen SB, Giwercman A, Spanò M, Bonde JPE, Asclepios
Article 1999;25 suppl 1:70-73   pdf
Sperm chromatin structure and semen quality following occupational styrene exposure
Kolstad HA, Bonde JPE, Spano M, Giwercman A, Zschiesche W, Kaae D, Roeleveld N, Asclepios
Article 1999;25 suppl 1:66-69   pdf
Time to pregnancy for men occupationally exposed to styrene in several European reinforced plastics companies
Kolstad HA, Bisanti L, Roeleveld N, Bonde JPE, Joffe M, Asclepios
Article 1999;25 suppl 1:64-65   pdf
Time to pregnancy and occupational lead exposure
Joffe M, Bisanti L, Apostoli P, Shah N, Kiss P, Dale A, Roeleveld N, Lindbohm M-L, Sallmen M, Bonde JPE, Asclepios
Article 1999;25 suppl 1:62-63   pdf
Time to pregnancy and paternal exposure to pesticides in preliminary results of Danish and French studies
Thonneau P, Larsen SB, Abell A, Clavert A, Bonde JPE, Ducot B, Multigner L, Asclepios
Article 1999;25 suppl 1:49-61   pdf
Objectives, designs and populations of the European Asclepios study on occupational hazards to male reproductive capability
Bonde JPE, Joffe M, Danscher G, Apostoli P, Bisanti L, Giwercman A, Kolstad HA, Thonneau P, Roeleveld N, Vanhoorne M, Asclepios
Article 1999;25 suppl 1:28-30   pdf
Flow cytometric sperm chromatin structure assay as an independent descriptor of human semen quality
Spanò M, Kolstad H, Larsen SB, Cordelli E, Leter G, Giwercman A, Bonde JPE
Article 1999;25 suppl 1:23-25   pdf
Quality assurance of semen analysis in multicenter studies
Giwercman A, Spano M, Lähdetie J, Bonde JPE, Asclepios
Article 1999;25 suppl 1:12-16   pdf
Environmental semen studies - is infertility increased by a decline in sperm count?
Bonde JPE, Hjollund NHI, Kolstad HA, Abell A, Larsen SB
Original article 1998;24(5):407-413   pdf
Year of birth and sperm count in 10 Danish occupational studies
Bonde JPE, Kold Jensen T, Brixen Larsen S, Abell A, Scheike T, Hjollund NHI, Kolstad HA, Ernst E, Giwercman A, Skakkebæk NE, Keiding N, Olsen J
Original article 1998;24(5):344-350   pdf
Job strain and time to pregnancy
Hjollund NHI, Kold Jensen T, Bonde JPE, Henriksen TB, Kolstad HA, Andersson A-M, Ernst E, Giwercman A, Skakkebæk NE, Olsen J
Original article 1995;21(4):272-276   pdf
Male-mediated risk of spontaneous abortion with reference to stainless steel welding
Hjollund NHI, Bonde JPE, Hansen KS