Key term: occupational exposure

Editorial 2024;50(5):311-316   pdf full text
Integrating a life course perspective in work environment and health research: empirical challenges and interdisciplinary opportunities
Bültmann U, Broberg K, Selander J
Discussion paper 2024;50(5):317-328   pdf full text
What have we learned about risk assessment and interventions to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders and support work participation?
Kuijer PPFM, van der Wilk S, Evanoff B, Viikari-Juntura E, Coenen P
Original article 2024;50(5):351-358   pdf full text
Occupational exposure to benzene and mortality risk of lymphohaematopoietic cancers in the Swiss National Cohort
Ge C, Spoerri A, Egger M, Rothman N, Lan Q, Huss A, Vermeulen R; The Swiss National Cohort
Original article 2024;50(5):359-371   pdf full text
Occupational exposure to organic solvents and the risk of developing testicular germ cell tumors (TESTIS study): Effect of combined exposure assessment on risk estimation
Guth M, Pilorget C, Lefevre M, Coste A, Danjou A, Dananché B, Praud D, Pérol O, Daudin M, Clarotti M-A, Lattes S, Bouillon C, Paul A, Schüz J, Bujan L, Olsson A, Fervers B, Charbotel B; The TESTIS study group
Original article 2024;50(5):372-379   pdf full text
The asbestos–asbestosis exposure–response relationship: a cohort study of the general working population
Iversen IB, Vestergaard JM, Ohlander J, Peters S, Bendstrup E, Bonde JPE, Schlünssen V, Bønløkke JH, Rasmussen F, Stokholm ZA, Andersen MB, Kromhout H, Kolstad HA
Original article 2024;50(1):39-48   pdf full text
Parkinson’s disease and occupational exposure to organic solvents in Finland: a nationwide case-control study
Sallmén M, Burstyn I, Uuksulainen S, Koskinen A, Hublin C, Sainio M
Original article 2023;49(8):558-568   pdf full text
Development and validation of a work-related risk score for upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders in a French working population
Rapicault C, Roquelaure Y, Bodin J, Fouquet N, Bertrais S
Original article 2023;49(7):526-534   pdf full text
Occupational exposure to silica dust in France: an ongoing concern
Delabre L, Houot M-T, Burtin A, Pilorget C
Original article 2023;49(6):405-418   pdf full text
Parental occupational exposure to solvents and risk of developing testicular germ cell tumors among sons: a French nationwide case-control study (TESTIS study)
Guth M, Lefevre M, Pilorget C, Coste A, Ahmadi S, Danjou A, Dananché B, Praud D, Koscinski I, Papaxanthos A, Blagosklonov O, Fauque P, Pérol O, Schüz J, Bujan L, Olsson A, Fervers B, Charbotel B; The TESTIS study group
Original article 2023;49(7):518-525   pdf full text
A cohort study of retinal detachment among Swedish construction workers
Schott KD, Kriebel D, Sama SR, Buchholz BO, Järvholm B, Wahlström J
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