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Online-first articles

Original article [online first; 4 February 2025]   pdf
Memory function and early exit from paid employment through different pathways among ageing European workers
Ciliacus R, Hijdra RW, Robroek SJW, Leist AK, Burdorf A, Schuring M
Editorial [online first; 27 January 2025]   pdf
Remote work – the new normal needs more research
Ropponen A
Original article [online first; 22 January 2025]   pdf
Parental precarious employment and the mental health of adolescents: a Swedish registry study
Aronsson AE, Thern E, Matilla-Santander N, Kvart S, Hernando-Rodriguez JC, Badarin K, Julià M, Alfayumi-Zeadna S, Gunn V, Kreshpaj B, Muntaner C, Bodin T, Mangot-Sala L
Original article [online first; 22 January 2025]   pdf
Effects of a workplace participatory approach to support working caregivers in balancing work, private life and informal care: a randomized controlled trial
Vos EE, van der Beek AJ, de Bruin SR, Proper KI
Original article [online first; 15 January 2025]   pdf
Organizational strategies of eldercare work and health – Is the daily number of residents cared for over 14 months associated with back pain?
Wester CT, Kyriakidis S, Frost AD, Rasmussen CDN, Holtermann A, Hallman DM
Original article [online first; 13 January 2025]   pdf
Short- and long-term health effects of job insecurity. Fixed effects panel analysis of German data
Mikucka M, Arránz Becker O, Wolf C
Original article [online first; 20 December 2024]   pdf
Effectiveness of a team-level participatory approach aimed at improving sustainable employability among long-term care workers: a randomized controlled trial
Heijkants CH, van Hooff MLM, de Wind A, Geurts SAE, Boot CRL
Original article [online first; 16 December 2024]   pdf
Development of a gender-specific European job exposure matrix (EuroJEM) for physical workload and its validation against musculoskeletal pain
Solovieva S, Descatha A, Mehlum IS, Viikari-Juntura E, Undem K, Berglund K, Gilbert F, Wuytack F, d’Errico A, Badarin K, Evanoff B, Kjellberg K
Original article [online first; 14 December 2024]   pdf
Occupational exposures of firefighting and prostate cancer risk in the Norwegian Fire Departments Cohort
Marjerrison N, Grimsrud TK, Hansen J, Martinsen JI, Nordby K-C, Olsen R, Stenehjem JS, Veierød MB, Kjærheim K

Recent most cited articles in Scopus

The following list includes most cited articles published during the previous 36 months.

Review 2022;48(2):86-98   pdf full text
60 citationsPhysical activity at work may not be health enhancing. A systematic review with meta-analysis on the association between occupational physical activity and cardiovascular disease mortality covering 23 studies with 655 892 participants
Cillekens B, Huysmans MA, Holtermann A, van Mechelen W, Straker L, Krause N, van der Beek AJ, Coenen P
Discussion paper 2022;48(2):158-168   pdf full text
39 citationsGlobal, regional and national burden of disease attributable to 19 selected occupational risk factors for 183 countries, 2000–2016: A systematic analysis from the WHO/ILO Joint Estimates of the Work-related Burden of Disease and Injury
Pega F, Hamzaoui H, Náfrádi B, Momen NC
Review 2023;49(5):315-329   pdf full text
36 citationsHow effective are organizational-level interventions in improving the psychosocial work environment, health, and retention of workers? A systematic overview of systematic reviews
Aust B, Møller JL, Nordentoft M, Frydendall KB, Bengtsen E, Jensen AB, Garde AH, Kompier M, Semmer N, Rugulies R, Jaspers SØ
Original article 2022;48(6):446-456   pdf full text
34 citationsOccupation and SARS-CoV-2 infection risk among 108 960 workers during the first pandemic wave in Germany
Reuter M, Rigó M, Formazin M, Liebers F, Latza U, Castell S, Jöckel K-H, Greiser KH, Michels KB, Krause G, Albrecht S, Öztürk I, Kuss O, Berger K, Lampl BMJ, Leitzmann M, Zeeb H, Starke KR, Schipf S, Meinke-Franze C, Ahrens W, Seidler A, Klee B, Pischon T, Deckert A, Schmidt B, Mikolajczyk R, Karch A, Bohn B, Brenner H, Holleczek B, Dragano N
Review 2022;48(5):327-350   pdf full text
28 citationsPrecarious employment and migrant workers’ mental health: a systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies
Koseoglu Ornek O, Waibel J, Wullinger P, Weinmann T
Original article 2023;49(4):293-302   pdf full text
26 citationsHow to assess severe burnout? Cutoff points for the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) based on three European samples
Schaufeli WB, De Witte H, Hakanen JJ, Kaltiainen J, Kok R
Original article 2022;48(2):99-108   pdf full text
20 citationsWorking at home and expectations of being available: effects on perceived work environment, turnover intentions, and health
Knardahl S, Christensen JO
Original article 2022;48(8):611-620   pdf full text
20 citationsLongitudinal changes in proportionate mortality due to COVID-19 by occupation in England and Wales
Cherrie M, Rhodes S, Wilkinson J, Mueller W, Nafilyan V, Van Tongeren M, Pearce N
Original article 2022;48(5):380-390   pdf full text
19 citationsWorking from home during the COVID-19 pandemic and its longitudinal association with physical activity and sedentary behavior
Loef B, van Oostrom SH, van der Noordt M; Lifelines Corona Research initiative, Proper KI
Original article 2024;50(2):73-82   pdf full text
18 citationsGlobal-, regional- and country-level estimates of the work-related burden of diseases and accidents in 2019
Takala J, Hämäläinen P, Sauni R, Nygård C-H, Gagliardi D, Neupane S

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