pdf full text Partnership for European Research in Occupational Safety and Health (PEROSH) – Celebrating 20 years of collaboration
pdf full text Understanding the impact of psychosocial working conditions on workers’ health: we have come a long way, but are we there yet?
pdf full text Monitoring trends in psychosocial and physical working conditions: Challenges and suggestions for the 21st century
pdf full text Prevention at work needed to curb the worldwide strong increase in knee replacement surgery for working-age osteoarthritis patients
pdf full text Water, rest, shade: Can simple actions stop an epidemic of chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology among farm workers in Central America?
pdf full text Analytical strategies to determine whether job strain is an important risk factor for occurrence of low-back pain
pdf full text Addressing long-term sickness absence: moving beyond disease, illness and work-related factors for effective prevention
pdf full text Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health: 40 years of innovative research with societal impact in the field of occupational health
pdf The need for novel strategies to analyze the dynamic pattern of worker’s health over time and the consequences for sustained employability
pdf Studying the effect of the psychosocial work environment on risk of ill-health: towards a more comprehensive assessment of working conditions
pdf Use of routinely collected occupational exposure data in register-based studies--a trade off between feasibility and misclassification
pdf Limited evidence for conservative treatment methods for work-related neck and upper-limb disorders - should we be worried?
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