Key term: smoking

Original article 2024;50(4):257-267   pdf full text
Relationship between long working hours and smoking behaviors: Evidence from population-based cohort studies in Korea
Baek S-U, Lim M-H, Kim T, Lee Y-M, Won J-U, Yoon J-H
Original article 2023;49(8):539-548   pdf full text
Long working hours and all-cause mortality in China: A 26-year follow-up study
Huang Y, Xiang Y, Zhou W, Li G, Zhao C, Zhang D, Fang S
Short communication 2021;47(6):475-481   pdf
Application of two job indices for general occupational demands in a pooled analysis of case–control studies on lung cancer
Hovanec J, Siemiatycki J, Conway DI, Olsson A, Guenel P, Luce D, Jöckel K-H, Pohlabeln H, Ahrens W, Karrasch S, Wichmann H-E, Gustavsson P, Consonni D, Merletti F, Richiardi L, Simonato Lorenzo, Fortes C, Parent M-É, McLaughlin JR, Demers P, Landi MT, Caporaso N, Fernández-Tardón G, Zaridze D, Świątkowska B, Pándics T, Lissowska J, Fabianova E, Field JK, Mates D, Bencko V, Foretova L, Janout V, Kromhout H, Vermeulen R, Boffetta P, Straif K, Schüz J, Casjens S, Pesch B, Brüning T, Behrens T
Original article 2021;47(1):70-77   pdf full text
Exposure to psychosocial work strain and changes in smoking behavior during pregnancy – a longitudinal study within the Danish National Birth Cohort
Mattsson K, Hougaard KS, Sejbaek CS
Review 2020;46(1):5-18   pdf full text
Smoking and sickness absence: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Troelstra SA, Coenen P, Boot CRL, Harting J, Kunst AE, van der Beek AJ
Original article 2018;44(2):192-201   pdf full text
Unhealthy lifestyle and sleep problems as risk factors for increased direct employers’ cost of short-term sickness absence
Kanerva N, Pietiläinen O, Lallukka T, Rahkonen O, Lahti J
Original article 2015;41(5):467-477   pdf full text
Lung cancer among coal miners, ore miners and quarrymen: smoking-adjusted risk estimates from the synergy pooled analysis of case–control studies
Taeger D, Pesch B, Kendzia B, Behrens T, Jöckel K-H, Dahmann D, Siemiatycki J, Kromhout H, Vermeulen R, Peters S, Olsson A, Brüske I, Wichmann H-E, Stücker I, Guida F, Tardón A, Merletti F, Mirabelli D, Richiardi L, Pohlabeln H, Ahrens W, Landi MT, Caporaso N, Pesatori AC, Mukeriya A, Szeszenia-Dabrowska N, Lissowska J, Gustavsson P, Field J, Marcus MW, Fabianova E, ’t Mannetje A, Pearce N, Rudnai P, Bencko V, Janout V, Dumitru RS, Foretova L, Forastiere F, McLaughlin J, Demers P, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Schüz J, Straif K, Brüning T
Original article 2015;41(4):407-412   pdf full text
Eligibility for low-dose computerized tomography screening among asbestos-exposed individuals
Fitzgerald NR, Flanagan WM, Evans WK, Miller AB
Original article 2014;40(3):315-322   pdf full text
To what degree is the association between educational inequality and laryngeal cancer explained by smoking, alcohol consumption, and occupational exposure?
Santi I, Kroll LE, Dietz A, Becher H, Ramroth H
Original article 2013;39(5):506-514   pdf full text
Prognosis of ulnar neuropathy and ulnar neuropathy-like symptoms in relation to occupational biomechanical exposures and lifestyle
Svendsen SW, Johnsen B, Fuglsang-Frederiksen A, Frost P
Original article 2010;36(6):509-513   pdf
White fingers, cold environment, and vibration – exposure among Swedish construction workers
Burström L, Järvholm B, Nilsson T, Wahlström J
Original article 1983;9 suppl 1:17-25   pdf
Health evaluation of employees occupationally exposed to methylene chloride: clinical laboratory evaluation
Ott MG, Skory LK, Holder BB, Bronson JM, Williams PR
Original article 2010;36(1):71-79   pdf
Cancer incidence among short- and long-term workers in the Norwegian silicon carbide industry
Bugge MD, Kjuus H, Martinsen JI, Kjærheim K
Original article 1978;4(1):46-52   pdf
Mining, lung cancer and smoking.
Axelson O, Sundell L
Original article 1979;5(1):10-15   pdf
Lung cancer and residency--a case-referent study on the possible impact of of exposure to radon and its daughters in dwellings.
Axelson O, Edling C, Kling H
Original article 1979;5(2):91-99   pdf
The case-referent (case-control) study in occupational health epidemiology.
Axelson O
Letter to the Editor 1980;6(3):227-228   pdf
Mining, lung cancer and smoking.
Feldstein ML, Band PR
Original article 1981;7(1):14-17   pdf
A study of chromosomal aberrations in miners exposed to diesel exhausts.
Nordenson I, Sweins A, Dahlgren E, Beckman L
Original article 1981;7(4):302-309   pdf
On the interaction between occupational arsenic exposure and smoking and its relationship to lung cancer.
Pershagen G, Wall S, Taube A, Linnman L
Original article 1982;8(1):24-28   pdf
A validation of questionnaire information on occupational exposure and smoking.
Pershagen G, Axelson O
Original article 2008;34(3):206-212   pdf
Cardiovascular risk factors and primary selection into shift work
Nabe-Nielsen K, Garde AH, Tüchsen F, Hogh A, Diderichsen F
Original article 2007;33(5):344-350   pdf
Gender perspective in the analysis of the relationship between long workhours, health and health-related behavior
Artazcoz L, Cortès I, Borrell C, Escribà-Agüir V, Cascant L
Article 2002;28 suppl 2:16-20   pdf
Prevalence of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke at work and at home — 15-year trends in Finland
Jousilahti P, Helakorpi S
Amendments and corrections 2007;33(1):80-80   pdf
Re: Darby S, Hill D, Deo H, Auvinen A, Barros-Dios MJ, Baysson H, Bochicchio F, Falk R, Farchi S, Figueiras A, Hakama M, Heid I, Hunter N, Kreienbrock L, Kreuzer M, Lagarde FC, Mäkeläinen I, Muirhead C, Oberaigner W, Pershagen G, Ruosteenoja E, Schaffrath Rosario A, Tirmarche M, Tomášek L, Whitley E, Wichmann H-E, Doll R. Residential radon and lung cancer—detailed results of a collaborative analysis of individual data on 7148 persons with lung cancer and 14 208 persons without lung cancer from 13 epidemiologic studies in Europe. Scand J Work Environ Health 2006;32 suppl 1:1–84.
Darby S, Hill D, Deo H, Auvinen A, Barros-Dios MJ, Baysson H, Bochicchio F, Falk R, Farchi S, Figueiras A, Hakama M, Heid I, Hunter N, Kreienbrock L, Kreuzer M, Lagarde FC, Mäkeläinen I, Muirhead C, Oberaigner W, Pershagen G, Ruosteenoja E, Schaffrat Rosario A, Tirmarche M, Tomášek L, Whitley E, Wichmann H-E, Doll R
Supplement article 2006;32 suppl 1:1-84   pdf  pdf  pdf  pdf
Residential radon and lung cancer—detailed results of a collaborative analysis of individual data on 7148 persons with lung cancer and 14 208 persons without lung cancer from 13 epidemiologic studies in Europe
Darby S, Hill D, Deo H, Auvinen A, Barros-Dios JM, Baysson H, Bochicchio F, Falk R, Farchi S, Figueiras A, Hakama M, Heid I, Hunter N, Kreienbrock L, Kreuzer M, Lagarde F, Mäkeläinen I, Muirhead C, Oberaigner W, Pershagen G, Ruosteenoja E, Schaffrath Rosario A, Tirmarche M, Tomášek L, Whitley E, Wichmann H-E, Doll R
Original article 2006;32(1):75-84   pdf
Work ability index of young employees and their sickness absence during the following year
Kujala V, Tammelin T, Remes J, Vammavaara E, Ek E, Laitinen J
Original article 2006;32(1):12-19   pdf
Cardiovascular risk factors and low back pain in a long-term follow-up of industrial employees
Leino-Arjas P, Solovieva S, Kirjonen J, Reunanen A, Riihimäki H
Original article 2005;31(2):97-107   pdf
National job-exposure matrix in analyses of census-based estimates of occupational cancer risk
Pukkala E, Guo J, Kyyrönen P, Lindbohm M-L, Sallmén M, Kauppinen T
Original article 2005;31(1):75-81   pdf
Impact of smoking policy on the respiratory health of food and beverage servers
Dimich-Ward H, Lawson J, Hingston A, Chan-Yeung M
Review 2004;30(1):5-20   pdf  pdf
Relationship between silicosis and lung function
Gamble JF, Hessel PA, Nicolich MJ
Review 2003;29(5):329-336   pdf
Relationship between silicosis and smoking
Hessel PA, Gamble JF, Nicolich M
Original article 2003;29(2):100-105   pdf
Cancer incidence among Icelandic deck officers in a population-based study
Sulem P, Rafnsson V
Original article 2002;28(1):64-71   pdf
Shift work and age as interactive predictors of body mass index among offshore workers
Parkes KR
Original article 2002;28(1):58-63   pdf
Alternative for estimating the burden of lung cancer from occupational exposures - some calculations based on data from Swedish men
Axelson O
Original article 2001;27(1):57-62   pdf
Life-style intervention at the worksite - reduction of cardiovascular risk factors in a randomized study
Nilsson PM, Klasson E-B, Nyberg P
Original article 2000;26(4):292-298   pdf
Association between plasma testosterone and work-related neck and shoulder disorders among female workers
Kaergaard A, Hansen ÅM, Rasmussen K, Andersen JH
Article 1999;25 suppl 1:62-63   pdf
Time to pregnancy and paternal exposure to pesticides in preliminary results of Danish and French studies
Thonneau P, Larsen SB, Abell A, Clavert A, Bonde JPE, Ducot B, Multigner L, Asclepios
Original article 1998;24(5):351-357   pdf
Joint effect of shift work and adverse life-style factors on the risk of coronary heart disease
Tenkanen L, Sjöblom T, Härmä M
Original article 1998;24(4):262-269   pdf
Determinants of asthma in a farming population
Melbostad E, Wijnand E, Magnus P
Clinical report 1997;23 suppl 3:85-90   pdf
Changes in health status and health behavior among Finnish adults 1978-1993
Lahelma E, Rahkonen O, Berg M-A, Helakorpi S, Prättälä R, Puska P, Uutela A
Clinical report 1997;23 suppl 3:79-83   pdf
Unemployment as a disease and diseases of the unemployed
Janlert U
Original article 1997;23(4):271-280   pdf
Chronic bronchitis in farmers
Melbostad E, Wijnand E, Magnus P
Original article 1996;22(4):285-293   pdf
Farming, pesticide use and hairy-cell leukemia
Clavel J, Hémon D, Mandereau L, Delemotte B, Séverin F, Flandrin G
Proceedings paper 1995;21 suppl 2:77-80   pdf
Mortality among silicotics in Genoa, Italy, from 1961 to 1987
Merlo F, Fontana L, Reggiardo G, Ceppi M, Barisione G, Garrone E, Doria M
Proceedings paper 1995;21 suppl 2:69-72   pdf
Lung cancer among workers exposed to silica dust in Chinese refractory plants
Dong D, Xu G, Sun Y, Hu P
Proceedings paper 1995;21 suppl 2:66-68   pdf
Preliminary study of lung cancer mortality in Western Australian gold miners exposed to silica
de Klerk NH, Musk AW, Tetlow S, Hansen J, Eccles JL
Proceedings paper 1995;21 suppl 2:58-62   pdf
Incidence of silicosis among ceramic workers in central Italy
Cavariani F, Di Pietro A, Miceli M, Forastiere F, Biggeri A, Scavalli P, Petti A, Borgia P
Proceedings paper 1995;21 suppl 2:55-57   pdf
Silicosis surveillance in Ontario from 1979 to 1992
Finkelstein MM