Key term: prevention

Discussion paper 2024;50(3):135-141   pdf full text
Successful prevention of organic solvent induced disorders: history and lessons
Albin M, Johanson G, Hogstedt C
Discussion paper 2024;50(2):53-60   pdf full text
Asbestos and disease – a public health success story?
Järvholm B, Burdorf A
Review 2023;49(1):5-22   pdf full text
Interventions for preventing back pain among office workers – a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Eisele-Metzger A, Schoser DS, Klein MD, Grummich K, Schwarzer G, Schwingshackl L, Hermann R, Biallas B, Wilke C, Meerpohl JJ, Braun C
Editorial 2022;48(6):419-424   pdf full text
The role of work in suicidal behavior – uncovering priorities for research and prevention
Greiner BA, Arensman E
Original article 2022;48(2):137-147   pdf full text
How does accelerometry-measured arm elevation at work influence prospective risk of long-term sickness absence?
Gupta N, Rasmussen CL, Forsman M, Søgaard K, Holtermann A
Original article 2021;47(4):258-267   pdf full text
Efficacy of an indicated prevention strategy on sickness absence and termination of the employment contract: a 5-year follow-up study
Klasen SH, van Amelsvoort LGPM, Jansen NWH, Slangen JJM, Tjin A Ton G, Kant I
Editorial 2020;46(5):457-460   pdf full text
Prevention at work needed to curb the worldwide strong increase in knee replacement surgery for working-age osteoarthritis patients
Kuijer PPFM, Burdorf A
Original article 2020;46(6):618-629   pdf full text
Upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders: how many cases can be prevented? Estimates from the COSALI cohort
Nambiema A, Bodin J, Fouquet N, Bertrais S, Stock S, Aublet-Cuvelier A, Descatha A, Evanoff B, Roquelaure Y
Editorial 2019;45(2):101-102   pdf full text
Prevention strategies for sickness absence: sick individuals or sick populations?
Burdorf A
Book review 2019;45(2):211-212   pdf full text
The Science and Politics of Work Disability Prevention
Brouwer S, Boot CRL
Review 2019;45(4):324-332   pdf full text
Effectiveness of psychological and educational interventions for the prevention of depression in the workplace: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Bellón JÁ, Conejo-Cerón S, Cortés-Abela C, Pena-Andreu JM, García-Rodríguez A, Moreno-Peral P
Original article 2018;44(6):613-621   pdf full text
Effectiveness of a digital platform-based implementation strategy to prevent work stress in a healthcare organization: a 12-month follow-up controlled trial
Havermans BM, Boot CRL, Brouwers EPM, Houtman ILD, Heerkens YF, Zijlstra-Vlasveld MC, Twisk JWR, Anema JR, van der Beek AJ
Discussion paper 2018;44(3):323-329   pdf
Scientific basis of ISO standards on biomechanical risk factors
Armstrong TJ, Burdorf A, Descatha A, Farioli A, Graf M, Horie S, Marras WS, Potvin JR, Rempel D, Spatari G, Takala E-P, Verbeek J, Violante FS
Editorial 2018;44(2):111-112   pdf full text
Ergonomic interventions and prevention – a need for better understanding of implementation
Takala E-P
Original article 2018;44(1):37-46   pdf full text
A screening tool for the risk of disability retirement due to musculoskeletal disorders
Shiri R, Heliövaara M, Ahola K, Kaila-Kangas L, Haukka E, Kausto J, Saastamoinen P, Leino-Arjas P, Lallukka T
Original article 2017;43(6):526-539   pdf full text
A research framework for the development and implementation of interventions preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders
van der Beek AJ, Dennerlein JT, Huysmans MA, Mathiassen SE, Burdorf A, van Mechelen W, van Dieën JH, Frings-Dresen MHW, Holtermann A, Janwantanakul P, van der Molen HF, Rempel D, Straker L, Walker-Bone K, Coenen P
Original article 2017;43(3):279-286   pdf full text
Cross-sectional evaluation of an internet-based hearing screening test in an occupational setting
Sheikh Rashid M, Leensen MCJ, de Laat JAPM, Dreschler WA
Original article 2017;43(3):250-259   pdf full text
Shift work and colorectal cancer risk in the MCC-Spain case–control study
Papantoniou K, Castaño-Vinyals G, Espinosa A, Turner MC, Alonso-Aguado MH, Martin V, Aragonés N, Pérez-Gómez B, Pozo BM, Gómez-Acebo I, Ardanaz E, Altzibar JM, Peiro R, Tardon A, Lorca JA, Chirlaque MD, García-Palomo A, Jimenez-Moleon JJ, Dierssen T, Ederra M, Amiano P, Pollan M, Moreno V, Kogevinas M
Original article 2017;43(3):226-233   pdf full text
Effectiveness of participatory training in preventing accidental occupational injuries: a randomized-controlled trial in China
Yu ITS, Yu W, Li Z, Qiu H, Wan S, Xie S, Wang X
Review 2017;43(2):99-108   pdf full text
A systematic review of brief mental health and well-being interventions in organizational settings
Ivandic I, Freeman A, Birner U, Nowak D, Sabariego C
Editorial 2017;43(1):1-4   pdf full text
Addressing long-term sickness absence: moving beyond disease, illness and work-related factors for effective prevention
van Amelsvoort LGPM, Jansen NWH, Kant I
Review 2016;42(5):371-381   pdf full text
Process variables in organizational stress management intervention evaluation research: a systematic review
Havermans BM, Schelvis RMC, Boot CRL, Brouwers EPM, Anema JR, van der Beek AJ
Original article 2015;41(5):478-485   pdf full text
Prevention in dangerous industries: does safety certification prevent tree-faller injuries?
McLeod CB, Sarkany D, Davies H, Lyons K, Koehoorn M
Discussion paper 2014;40(1):96-99   pdf full text
Randomized controlled trials are needed to close the evidence gap in the prevention of preterm birth
Kwegyir-Afful E, Ijaz S, Räsänen K, Verbeek J
Original article 2013;39(5):456-467   pdf full text
The effectiveness of a construction worksite prevention program on work ability, health, and sick leave: results from a cluster randomized controlled trial
Oude Hengel KM, Blatter BM, van der Molen HF, Bongers PM, van der Beek AJ
Consensus report 2012;38(4):380-390   pdf
Work at night and breast cancer – report on evidence-based options for preventive actions
Bonde JP, Hansen J, Kolstad HA, Mikkelsen S, Olsen JH, Blask DE, Härmä M, Kjuus H, de Koning HJ, Olsen J, Møller M, Schernhammer ES, Stevens RG, Åkerstedt T
Review 2012;38(3):193-208   pdf
A systematic review of the effectiveness of occupational health and safety training
Robson LS, Stephenson CM, Schulte PA, Amick III BC, Irvin EL, Eggerth DE, Chan S, Bielecky AR, Wang AM, Heidotting TL, Peters RH, Clarke JA, Cullen K, Rotunda CJ, Grubb PL
Original article 2012;38(1):70-77   pdf
Estimation of life expectancies and loss-of-life expectancies for workers with permanent occupational disabilities of the extremities – a 21-year follow-up study
Lin S-H, Lee H-Y, Chang Y-Y, Jang Y, Wang J-D
Short communication 2012;38(1):84-87   pdf
Sudden illness while driving a vehicle – a retrospective analysis of commercial drivers in Japan
Hitosugi M, Gomei S, Okubo T, Tokudome S
Original article 2012;38(1):27-37   pdf
Effectiveness of multidisciplinary primary prevention in decreasing the risk of work disability in a low-risk population
Saltychev M, Laimi K, El-Metwally A, Oksanen T, Pentti J, Virtanen M, Kivimäki M, Vahtera J
Original article 1986;12(4):301-303   pdf
Occurrence of white finger in the gas industry
Walker DD, Jones B, Ogston S
Editorial 2010;36(1):1-2   pdf
The role of assessment of biomechanical exposure at the workplace in the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders
Burdorf A
Original article 2010;36(3):258-265   pdf
Fall prevention among apprentice carpenters
Kaskutas V, Dale AM, Lipscomb H, Gaal J, Fuchs M, Evanoff B
Original article 1981;7(2):95-100   pdf
Formaldehyde exposure in work and the general environment. Occurrence and possibilities for prevention.
Niemelä R, Vainio H
Discussion paper 2009;35(5):394-396   pdf
Perspectives of working life research
Järvholm B, Albin M, Johansson G, Wadensjö E
Original article 2009;35(5):342-348   pdf
Attributable risk of carpal tunnel syndrome in the general population: implications for intervention programs in the workplace
Roquelaure Y, Ha C, Fouquet N, Descatha A, Leclerc A, Goldberg M, Imbernon E
Editorial 2009;35(1):1-5   pdf
Work ability—a comprehensive concept for occupational health research and prevention
Ilmarinen J
Discussion paper 2009;35(1):74-79   pdf
Shift work, chronodisruption and cancer?—the IARC 2007 challenge for research and prevention and 10 theses from the Cologne Colloquium 2008
Erren TC, Morfeld P, Stork J, Knauth P, von Mülmann MJA, Breitstadt R, Müller U, Emmerich M, Piekarski C
Article SJWEH Suppl 2008; (6):177-183   pdf
Cognitive activation theory of stress—how are individual experiences mediated into biological systems?
Reme SE, Eriksen HR, Ursin H
Article SJWEH Suppl 2008; (6):144-149   pdf
Organizational approach to studies of job demands, control and health
Härenstam A
Article SJWEH Suppl 2007; (3):81-84   pdf
Holistic approaches to the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders among call-center workers
Caple DC
Article SJWEH Suppl 2007; (3):76-80   pdf
Trapezius muscle tone and viscoelastic properties in sitting and supine positions
Viir R, Virkus A, Laiho K, Rajaleid K, Selart A, Mikkelsson M
Review 2007;33(2):85-95   pdf
Systematic review of the prevention incentives of insurance and regulatory mechanisms for occupational health and safety
Tompa E, Trevithick S, McLeod CB
Original article 2006;32(3):219-224   pdf
Occupational skin exposure and hand eczema among dental technicians—need for improved prevention
Meding B, Wrangsjö K, Hosseiny S, Andersson E, Hagberg S, Torén K, Wass K, Brisman J
Discussion paper 2006;32(2):160-167   pdf
Preventing injury, illness and disability at work
Frank J, Cullen K; Institute for Work & Health Ad Hoc Working Group
Editorial 2006;32(2):89-90   pdf
Prevention of disability at work
Kristensen P
Supplement article 2005;31 suppl 2:110-115   pdf
The Galaxen model—a concept for rehabilitation and prevention in the construction industry
Stenlund B
Article SJWEH Suppl 2005; (1):68-71   pdf
Needs and priorities in occupational safety and health for the enlarged European Union
Konkolewsky H-H
Article SJWEH Suppl 2005; (1):28-30   pdf
New occupational health service system in Denmark
Kabel A
Article SJWEH Suppl 2005; (1):23-27   pdf
Challenges in occupational safety and health from the global market economy and from demographic change—facts, trends, policy response and actual need for preventive occupational health services in Europe
Froneberg B
Case report 2004;30(4):331-333   pdf
Prevention of work-related decompression illness events by detection of a cardiac right-to-left shunt
Kütting B, Tomandl B, Drexler H
Original article 2004;30(4):322-326   pdf
Prevention of acute mountain sickness by low positive end-expiratory pressure in field conditions
Launay J-C, Nespoulos O, Guinet-Lebreton A, Besnard Y, Savourey G
Original article 2003;29(4):288-296   pdf
Prevention of farm injuries in Denmark
Rasmussen K, Carstensen O, Lauritsen JM, Glasscock DJ, Hansen ON, Jensen UF
Editorial 2003;29(4):247-250   pdf
Regulatory actions to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders-the use of research-based exposure limits
Fallentin N
Editorial 2002;28(3):137-140   pdf
Can health promotion at the workplace help prevent cancer?
Vainio H, Stayner L
Original article 2001;27(2):87-96   pdf
Intervention in shift scheduling and changes in biomarkers of heart disease in hospital wards
Bøggild H, Jeppesen HJ
Commentary 2000;26(6):529-531   pdf
Cancer-preventive effects of sunscreens are uncertain
Vainio H, Bianchini F
Invited article 1999;25(6):473-483   pdf
Research challenges arising from changes in worklife
Rantanen J
Original article 1998;24 suppl 3:81-88   pdf
Management of health and safety in the organization of worktime at the local level
Jeppesen HJ, Bøggild H
Original article 1996;22(2):102-107   pdf
Improved nasal clearance among pulp mill workers after reduction of lime dust levels
Torén K, Brisman J, Hagberg S, Karlsson G
Proceedings paper 1995;21 suppl 2:115-117   pdf
Future research needs in the silica, silicosis and cancer field
Goldsmith DF, Wagner GR, Saffiotti U, Rabovsky J, Leigh J